Queensland Outdoor Relief 1892-1920

12,900+ records

Registers of government relief issued to needy persons. Read more
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New South Wales country directory 1903

75,900+ records

Lists the names, occupations and locations of people in NSW country areas in 1903. Read more
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New South Wales Magistrates 1858

790+ records

Lists the names of appointed magistrates in New South Wales in the year 1858. Read more
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Towns and districts of Australia in 1858

This list shows the names and locations of the principal counties, districts, towns, rivers, and mountains of Australia as they were known in 1858. Read more
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What happened in Australia in 1889?

If Social Media existed back then, what would our ancestors have been talking about? Taken from year books, Almanacs and newspapers, follows is a list of notable events that occurred in this year. Includes disasters, severe weather, notable people, Read more

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Letters from home – Victoria

120,700+ records

Lists of unclaimed letters held at Australian Post Offices in the period 1830-1870. Read more
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Letters from home – Tasmania

4,200+ records

Lists of unclaimed letters held at Australian Post Offices in the period 1830-1870. Read more
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Letters from home – NSW

73,800+ records

Lists of unclaimed letters held at Australian Post Offices in the period 1830-1870. Read more
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Letters from home – South Australia

15,600+ records

Lists of unclaimed letters held at Australian Post Offices in the period 1830-1870. Read more
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Western Australia Almanack and Directory 1887

5,200+ records

A directory of persons living in Western Australia in 1887. This dataset includes the individual or company name, location and in many cases the individual’s occupation or the company function. Read more
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