What happened in Australia in 1888?

If Social Media existed back then, what would our ancestors have been talking about? Taken from year books, Almanacs and newspapers, follows is a list of notable events that occurred in this year. Includes disasters, severe weather, notable people, Read more

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What happened in Australia in 1887?

If Social Media existed back then, what would our ancestors have been talking about? Taken from year books, Almanacs and newspapers, follows is a list of notable events that occurred in these years. Includes disasters, severe weather, notable people, Read more

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NSW Public School Teachers 1929

3,800+ records

This directory records the public school teachers who were members of the NSW Public School Teachers Federation in 1929. .. Read more
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Goldfields Collection

17,300+ records

This data contains information about people resident in Australia’s Victorian goldfields circa 1850 to 1870 gathered from selected sources. Read more
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What happened in Australia in 1886?

If Social Media existed back then, what would our ancestors have been talking about? Taken from year books, Almanacs and newspapers, follows is a list of notable events that occurred in these years. Includes disasters, severe weather, notable people, Read more

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What happened in Australia in 1885?

If Social Media existed back then, what would our ancestors have been talking about? Taken from year books, Almanacs and newspapers, follows is a list of notable events that occurred in this year. Includes disasters, severe weather, notable people, Read more

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What happened in Australia in 1884?

If Social Media existed back then, what would our ancestors have been talking about? Taken from year books, Almanacs and newspapers, follows is a list of notable events that occurred in this year. Includes disasters, severe weather, notable people, Read more

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NSW Post Office Directory 1867

60,000+ records

People living in New South Wales in 1867. Data includes name, occupation Read more
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Legal directory 1905 and 1909

7,800+ records

Lists trades and professionals in Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania and other states in 1905 and 1909 Read more
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Queensland Trades and Professionals 1909

16,600+ records

Lists trades and professionals in Queensland in 1909. Includes the trades person’s name, their occupation and their location Read more
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