Port Phillip Directory 1841 & 1842

2,900+ records

People living in the postal areas of Melbourne, Geelong and Portland in 1841 and 1842. Includes name, occupation and location. Data sourced from Kerr’s Melbourne Almanac and Port Phillip Directory. Read more
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Sydney Directory 1835

1,600+ records

Compiled by EW O’Shaughnessey, this Australian almanack and general directory lists people living in Sydney, New South Wales in 1835. Read more
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Western Australian Almanack and Directory 1881

12,500+ records

A directory of persons living in Western Australia in 1881. This dataset includes the individual or company name, location and in many cases the individual’s occupation or the company function. Read more
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Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists & Dentists 1848-1908

9,200+ records

A directory of medical practitioners. Data includes medical boards, doctors, vaccinators, chemists and druggists, and dentists. Sourced from Dehane’s Almanac... Read more
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Geelong, Ballarat & Creswick Commercial Directory 1856

3,600+ records

The Geelong, Ballarat and Creswick’s Creek Commercial Directory and Almanac for 1856 produced by Heath and Cordell Printers, lists business owner or worker, the name or type of business and the business location. Read more
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Queensland Trades and Professionals 1896

9,200+ records

A directory of medical practitioners. Data includes medical boards, doctors, vaccinators, chemists and druggists, and dentists. Sourced from Dehane’s Almanac, Read more
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Queensland Divorces 1861-1894

420+ records

Matrimonial petitions (divorces or writs) at the Supreme Court, Brisbane, from 1861 to 1894. Read more
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New South Wales Country Directory 1835

3,100+ records

This directory lists people living in country New South Wales (outside of Sydney) in 1835, however it will encompass areas such as Parramatta (outlying at the time). Read more
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British convict transportation O to Z

43,200+ records

British convicts transported to Australia includes their name and any known alias... Read more
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British convict transportation H to N

35,900+ records

British convicts transported to Australia includes their name and any known alias..., Read more
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