This page details the boundaries of the various legal districts as they existed in 1858. In the absence of formal roads and towns etc, generally these boundaries were divided according to rivers and creeks or mountains and ranges. These districts were distinct from declared counties and/or pastoral areas.
In the Murrumbidgee Squatting District, forming part of the County of Selwyn, the whole of the County of Goulburn, and a portion not yet divided into counties abounded on part of the west by the Indi River downwards from its source to its confluence with the Murray; on the south by the Murray River downwards to the point south of Werinmuna or Woore’s Hill; on the west by a line north to Woore’s Hill, and thence by a direct line to the confluence of the Colombo and Billabong Creeks (which line may be assumed to be a north line), including the whole of Atkins’ run, on the Billabong; on the north by the boundary line between those runs, fronting on the Billabong Creek, and those fronting on the Cookedejong Creek, the Uranna Lake, Uranna and Urangeline Creeks, and on to Wollondon Hill, thence by the leading range round the southern sources of the Urangeline Creek, until it joins the range dividing the Mittagong and Yerong Creeks from Doodle Swamp falls and Buckarguia Falls, until such last-named range joins the main range between the Murray and Murrumbidgee, thence by that range until it joins the range dividing the Murray from the Snowy River; and thence by that range to that source of the Indi River which divides the colonies of New South Wales and Victoria, thus including all the waters falling into the Indi on the right bank, and all the waters falling into the Murray from its source to the confluence of the Indi, and all the waters from that confluence which joins the Murray on its right bank to the point south of Woore’s Hill, all the waters falling into the Billabong Creek above the confluence of the Colombo, and all the waters falling into the Doodle Swamp and Buckarguia.
In the Squatting District of New England, and embracing the western portions of the Counties of Vernon and Hawes; bounded on the north by the Ben Lomond Range, the range forming the south boundary of the Valley of the Emu Holes Creek and the Bundarra River; on the west, south, and east by the boundaries of the Squatting District of New England, being the western extreme of the table land to the Liverpool Range and the Counties of Brisbane, Durham, Gloucester, and Macquarie to the top of Werrikimbee; and thence by a line north by compass to the Ben Lomond Range afore said.
Embracing the southern portion of the County of Roxburgh, the northern portions of the Counties of Bathurst and Georgiana, and the western portion of the County of Westmoreland, and bounded on the north by the Great Dividing Range from the head of Coco or Cook’s Creek, westerly to Blackman’s Crown; thence by a line south-westerly io the nearest point of the Turon River, near the confluence of Coolamigel Creek, by that river downwards to the confluence of Round Swamp Creek, and thence by the range forming the western watershed of that creek, the range forming the southern watershed of Warragunnia Creek and a spur range to Cunningham’s Creek, opposite to the confluence of the tributary falling into it from Mount Corcolong; thence on the west by Cunningham’s Creek and the Turon and Macquarie Rivers to the confluence of Lewis Ponds Creek with the Macquarie River, thence by that creek to its head in the range dividing the waters of the Macquarie and Belubula Rivers, thence on the south-west by that range; on the south by the dividing range of the Abercrombie and Campbell’s River waters to the Werong Range, at the source of the Fish River Creek; and on the east by the Fish River Creek and by the Fish River, to the confluence of Solitary Creek, and by that creek to where it intersects the Bathurst Road, and by that road to Honeysuckle Flat, the point where the county boundary meets the road; and thence by the great dividing range to the head of Coco or Cook’s Creek aforesaid.
Including parts of the Murrumbidgee and Lachlan Squatting Districts, the whole of the Lower Darling and Albert Squatting Districts; commencing at the confluence of the Murray and Wakool Rivers, and bounded on the south by the Wakool and Edward Rivers upwards to the boundary between Messrs. Silvester’s and Smith’s and M’Guerson’s Runs, (leaving the latter run in the Balranald District) then by that boundary and the northern boundary of all the runs fronting on the Edward below the Billabong, and then by the northern boundary of all the runs fronting on the Billabong, until it reaches the point south of the boundary between Messrs. M’Leay and Chapman’s runs; then by a line north to that boundary, and by that boundary to the Murrumbidgee, thence by the Murrumbidgee to the boundary between Messrs. Raye and Oak’s, then by that boundary and a line north to the Lachlan River, then by that river upwards to the confluence of the Kalingabungagay Creek; then on the north-west by a line bearing north-westerly to Fort Bourke, on the Darling River, then by that river upwards to the thirtieth degree of south latitude, then by the thirtieth degree of south latitude to the one hundred and forty-first degree of east longitude; and on the west by that Meridian south to the Murray River, and by that river upwards to the confluence of the Wakool aforesaid.
Embracing the southern portion of the County of Camden; bounded on the north by a line bearing west from the Illawarra Range, near the source of Cordeaux River to Lupton’s Inn; from this Inn by a line bearing south-westerly to Jellore, from Jellore by a line bearing north-westerly to the Wollondilly River in a line with Colong, and continued by this river to the mouth of a creek rising at Murrumon; the west by the Wollondilly, Paddy’s River, and the Uringalla to its source, and by a line to the source of Barber’s Creek; and by that creek to its confluence with the Shoalhaven River; on the south by the Shoalhaven and Kangaroo Rivers; on the east by the middle source of the Kangaroo to the Illawarra Range; and by that range to the source of the Cordeaux River aforesaid.
Including a part of the Lachlan Squatting District, and comprising the County of Monteagle and part of the County of Harden; bounded on the east by the Lachlan River upwards from the confluence of the Belubula River to that of the Boorowa River, thence by the Boorowa River upwards to the confluence of Hassall’s Creek, then up Hassall’s Creek to its source (that creek being the boundary between Grogan’s Sawyers’ Flat and Broughton’s Bingenine Runs), in the range dividing the Yass and Boorowa Rivers, then by that range to the point where it joins the range dividing the Yass River and Jugiong Creek Falls, then by that range to the point where the spur branches which terminates on the Murrumbidgee, at the confluence of the Yass River, and thence by that spur to the said confluence; thence on the south by the Murrumbidgee River downwards to the confluence of Jugiong Creek; thence on the west by the range dividing the waters of the Jugiong Creek from those of the Kitticarara and Mutta Muttama Creeks to the main range between the Murrumbidgee and Lachlan Rivers, by that range to its western termination, and thence by a line bearing north-west to the Lachlan River; and on the north by that river upwards to the confluence of the Belubula River aforesaid.
In the Squatting District of Monaro, and embracing parts of the Counties of Wellesley, and Wallace; bounded on the north by the range dividing the waters falling to the MacLaughlin River from those falling to the Umaralla and Snowy Rivers; to the confluence of the MacLaughlin and Snowy Rivers; thence by the Snowy River to the confluence of the Tongaro or Jacob’s River; and by that river upwards to the Great Dividing Range; on the west by the Great Dividing Range to the boundary between the Middle and Fort Phillip Districts; on the south by the boundary between the Port Phillip and Middle Districts to the western boundary of the County of Auckland; and on the east by that boundary, being the range dividing the waters of the Snowy and Murrumbidgee Rivers from those of the Towamba, Genoa, and Bega Rivers, to the range dividing the waters falling to the MacLaughlin River from those falling to the Umaralla and Snowy Rivers aforesaid.
In the Pastoral District of Moreton, and embracing parts of the Counties of Canning, Stanley, and Ward; bounded on the north by the Glass House Range from the Glass House Mountain to the sea; on the east by the sea to Point Danger, including all the islands between that point and the point where the Glass house range meets the sea, thence on the south by the range dividing the waters of the Logan and other rivers from those of the Clarence, Richmond, and Tweed Rivers; on the west by the range dividing the waters of the Logan River from those of the Teviot Brook, and the range dividing the waters of that brook and Crow’s Creek, to a point in the latter due south of Kent’s Peak, thence by a line to Kent’s Peak, and by the Mount Flinders Range to Mount Goolman, thence by a line north-easterly to the head of Woogaroo Creek, and by that creek to its confluence with the River Brisbane, thence by a spur of D’Aguillar’s Range, and by that range to the Glass House Mountain aforesaid.
Embracing the south-western portion of the County of Saint Vincent and the eastern portion of the County of Murray, and bounded on the north by the range north of Endrick River, the Shoalhaven River, and Boro Creek to its source at Wololwoolar; on the west including Long Swamp by the Gourock Range to Mount Tumanwong; on the south by the source of Jerrabatgulla Creek, and a line easterly to the confluence of Curranbene Creek with the Shoalhaven River, and by that river to the confluence of Wianbene Creek; thence by Wianbene Creek to its source and by a line to the source of Moodong Creek; by Moodong Creek to the Dena River, and by the Dena River to the confluence of Araluen Creek; and on the east by a line bearing north-easterly the source of Buckenbowra Creek in the Budawang Range, and by the Budawang Range to the range north of Endrick River aforesaid.
Embracing the south-east portion of the County of St. Vincent, and the County of Dampier in the adjacent Squatting District, and bounded on the north from Toboore about 7 miles south of Ulladulla by a line north-westerly to the Pigeon House Range, at the head of Pigeon House Creek, thence by that range to the range dividing the Shoalhaven and coast waters, and thence by that range to the Budawang Range; on the west by the Budawang Range to the source of the Buckenbowra Creek, thence by a line bearing south-westerly to the confluence of Araluen Creek with the Dena River, and by that river upwards to the confluence of Moodony Creek, thence by that creek to its source by a line to the source of Wiambene Creek, and by Wiambene Creek to the Shoalhaven River, by that river upwards to the confluence of Curranbene Creek, thence by a line westerly to Terrabalgully Creek, and by that creek to its source near Mount Tumerawong, and thence by the great dividing range; on the south by the range dividing the waters of the Bega and Broga Rivers from those of the Dry and Bermaguee Rivers, to the sea, near the mouth of the Bega River; and on the east by the sea to Toboore aforesaid.
Embracing a southern portion of the County of Cumberland, a northern portion of the County of Camden, and a north-eastern portion of the County of Westmoreland; bounded on the north from “Wattamolla.” on the sea coast, by a line bearing north-westerly to the northern boundary of John Lucas’s grant on Thoronora Creek; thence by a line bearing westerly and crossing Headman’s Creek, George’s River, and Bunbarry Curran Creek to the southern crosscut road, on the Campbelltown Road, thence by that cross-cut road to the Cowpasture Road, and by the Cowpasture Road to the junction of the Bringelly Road and by the Bringelly Road and Bringelly Creek to the confluence of that creek with the Nepean River, thence by that river downwards to the confluence of the Warragamba River, and by that river and the River Cox to the confluence of the Kowming River; on the west by the Kowming River to its nearest source to the Colong Mountain, and by a line to that mountain, thence on the south by a line bearing south-easterly to Mount Jellore, thence by a line bearing north-easterly to Lupton’s Inn, and thence by a line bearing east to the Illawarra Range, near the source of the Cordeaux River; and on the east by the Illawarra Range to the sea shore at the Coal Cliff, and by the sea to “ Wattomolla ” aforesaid.
Embracing the south-western portion of the County of Bathurst, the northern portion of the County of King, and the western portion of the County of Georgiana, and bounded on the north from the head of the Isabella River by the range dividing the waters of the Abercrombie and Campbell’s Rivers, and the range dividing the waters of the Macquarie and Belubula Rivers to the section line dividing Simmons’ and Smith’s lands from a village reserve, and Orr’s 1,920 acres; thence by that section line westerly, the north boundary of the Church and School Estate in the county of Bathurst on the Belubula River, and the section line forming that boundary to the Panuara Rivulet; on the west by that rivulet to its confluence with the Belubula River, and by the Belubula, Lachlan, and Burrowa Rivers to the confluence of Pudman’s Creek with the last mentioned river; thence on the south by a line bearing north- westerly to the confluence of the Narrawa and Crookwell Rivers, and by the Crookwell River to the confluence of Kangaloolah Creek , thence by that creek and a line bearing north-westerly to the village reserve at the confluence of the Isabella River with the Abercrombie; and on the east by the Isabella River to its source aforesaid.
Embracing the western portion of the County of Brisbane, and the north and east portions of the County of Bligh, and bounded on the north from Mount Terell by the Liverpool Range to Pandora’s Pass; on the north-west by the Coolaburagundy and Erskine Rivers to the western boundary of William Lawson’s grant; on the west by the crest of a range to a track leading from Guntawang to Cobra; on the south-west by this tracked road to Wildra Creek; on the south by Wildra Creek and a line bearing north-easterly to the source of the Goulburn River, and by that river to the western boundary of M Townsend’s grant; and on the east by the hills forming the western boundary of the valley of Warrendie Creek, and the range dividing the waters of Hall’s and Gummum Creeks to Mount Terell aforesaid.
Part in the Squatting District of Monaro, and part in that of the Murrumbidgee, and embracing the County of Beresford, parts’ of the counties of Wallace and Wellesley, and parts of the Counties of Cowley and Buccleugh; bounded on the north by the south boundary of the County of Murray to the Murrumbidgee River, at the confluence of Micaligo Creek, thence by the Murrumbidgee River upwards to the confluence of Gap Creek, and thence by the Gap Creek and the tributary to it which rises at Mount Clear, thence from Mount Clear by the range which separates the falls going direct to the Murrumbidgee from those going to Neece Valley Creek, the Gudjanby, Cotter, and Goodradigbee Rivers, until such range join the main range between the Tumut and Murrumbidgee, then by that range until it joins the Great Dividing Range; and on the west by, the Great Dividing Range, to the source of the Tongara or Jacob’s River; on the south by that river to the Snowy River, by the Snowy River upwards to the confluence of the M’Laughlan River, thence by the range dividing the waters of the Snowy and Umaralla Rivers from those of the M’Laughlan River, to the Great Dividing Range; and on the east by the Great Dividing Range, to the south boundary of the County of Murray aforesaid.
In the Murrumbidgee Squatting District; bounded on the east by a direct line from Werinmuna or Woore’s Hill, to the confluence of the Colombo and Billabong Creeks, (which may be assumed to be a north line,) excluding Mr. Atkins’ Run on the Billabong, and including Messrs. Osborne’s Run on the Colombo and Pepper’s Run on the Yanko; on the north by the back or northern boundary of all the runs fronting on the Yanko and Billabong, to the north-west corner of Hindmarsh’s, now Innes’, Wanganilly Run; on the west by the western boundary of that run, bearing southerly across the Billabong to the northern boundary of Gwynne’s Baratta Run, then by that boundary and the western boundary of Baratta, and the western boundary of Gwynne’s Werai Run; from the south-west Corner of Werai Run by a direct line to the confluence of the Merribal Creek and Wakool River; thence along the Merribal and Toole Creek, to the point where the latter bursts from the Murray, thence by the Murray upwards to the point south of Woore’s Hill, and thence by a direct line to Woore’s Hill.
Bounded on the east and north by the Great Dividing Range between the eastern and western waters; on the west by a line south by compass from that range, crossing the Condamine about o miles west of Gogg’s station, Chinchilla; and on the south by a line north easterly from the west boundary passing between Cattle Creek, a branch of the Weir and Wilkie’s Creek, a branch of the Condamine, cutting the Condamine at the confluence of the north branch, and passing about 2 miles south of Coutts’ station, Jondaryan, on Oaky Creek, to the great dividing range aforesaid.
In the pastoral district of Darling Downs; bounded on the by a line south-westerly from the Great Dividing Range passing about two miles south of Tondaryan, Coutts’ station, on Oaky Creek, cutting the Condamine at the confluence of the north branch and passing between the heads of Cattle and Wilkie’s Creeks to a point due south of the confluence of Dogwood Creek with the Balonne River; thence on the west by a line south (by compass) from that point to the River Bar wan; on the south by that river to the River Macintyre and the River Dumaresq to its confluence of the Macintyre Brook, thence by the range dividing the waters of the River Dumaresq from the Macintyre Brook, the range dividing the waters of the River Condamine from the Macintyre Brook, and the range forming the western watershed of Canal Creek to the confluence of that creek with the River Condamine, thence by that river upwards to the range dividing the waters of King’s or Forbes’ Creek from those of Dalrymple Creek, and by that range to the great dividing range; and on the east by the great dividing range northerly to the commencing point.
In the pastoral districts of Wellington and Bligh; bounded on the north by the Barwan River, downwards from the confluence of the Namoi River to the confluence of the Bokhara River; thence on the east by a line due north till it is cut by the prolongation of a line from Pockataroo to the Rocky Ford on the Narran River, in latitude 29 degrees 20 minutes south; again on the north by the last described line till it meets Mr. Kennedy’s return track from the River Warrego, by that track to the 29th parallel of south latitude, and by that parallel to the River Warrego; on the west by the River Warrego, downwards to the 30th parallel of south latitude; on the south by that parallel to the River Darling or Barwan, at the confluence of the Bogan River; again on the west by the Bogan River, upwards to Messrs. Calcy, Templar, and Rickards’ station, Gonanagie; again on the south by a line thence to Mr. Ireland’s station on the Little River, Oberlay; thence by the Little River downwards to the point nearest to the Settled District, near Boyd’s station, Gundi; and thence by a line easterly to that boundary, which is a curved line westward of the town of Wellington, including all lands within 10 miles from any point of the outward limits of the town; by that boundary to the western boundary of the County of Bligh, and by that boundary to the Liverpool Ranges; and again on the east by that range, the Warrabangle Range, and the range dividing the waters of the Castlereagh and Namoi Rivers, to the confluence of the last mentioned river with the Barwan aforesaid.
Embracing a north-eastern portion of the County of Durham, and a south-western portion of the County of Gloucester; bounded on the north from the head of the Karnah River by the range dividing the waters of the William’s River from those of the Manning River; on the west by the range dividing the waters of the Allyn and Paterson Rivers from those of the Williams’ River to the southern boundary of Hugh Torrence s 2,000 acres; on the south by that boundary to the point where it is intersected by the northerly continuation of the eastern boundary line of Thomas Bartie’s 2,560 acres thence by that continuation to the south-west corner of W. H Holmes’ 320 acres; thence by the south boundaries of that land and D O Orpen’s 320 acres; the north boundary of A. Fisher’s 1,000 acres sits easterly continuation and the south boundary of Whitmore’s 100 acres to the Williams’ River; thence by that river, and the south and eastern boundaries of Lowe and Marshall’s 640 acres, to the road from Clarence Town to Sawyer’s Point; and by that road to tie range dividing the waters of the Karnah River from those of the Williams’ River; and on the east by that range to the range at the head of the Karnah River aforesaid.
In the squatting district of Monaro, and embracing the County of Auckland; bounded on the north from the mouth of the Bega River by the range dividing the waters of the Bega and Brogo Rivers from those of the Bermaguee and Dry Rivers; on the west by the ran-re dividing the waters of the Snowy and Murrumbidgee Rivers from those falling to the Genoa, Towamba, and Bega Rivers; on the south by the boundary line between the Port Phillip and Middle Districts; and on the east by the sea coast to the mouth of the Bega River aforesaid.
Embracing the south-eastern portion of the County of Northumberland; bounded on the north by a line from Reid’s Mistake across Lake Macquarie, bearing westerly to Dora Creek, and by Dora Creek to the Warrawolong Range, and to Mount Warrawolong; thence on the west by the crest of the said range to Mount Simpson and the north road, and by the road to Wiseman’s Ferry; on the south by the Hawkesbury and Broken Bay Roads to Box Head on the sea shore, which forms the eastern boundary to Reid’s Mistake aforesaid.
Embracing the southern portion of the County of Georgiana, and the whole of the County of Argyle; and bounded on the north from the confluence of Guinecor Creek with the Wollondilly River by that creek the Burrah Lake and the Abercrombie River, to a village reserve near. Bingham, at the mouth of the Isabella River; thence by a line bearing south-westerly to a source of Kangaloola Creek at the village reserve, and by that creek to its confluence with the Crookwell River; on the west by the Crookwell River to its source, and by the range dividing the eastern and western waters to Lake George; on the south by Lake George to the village reserve at Kenny’s; thence by a small gully descending to the lake to the Alianoyonyiga Mountains, and by the ridge thence extending south-easterly to Mount Wollawalar, and thence by Boro Creek to the Shoalhaven River; on the east by the Shoalhaven River to the confluence of Barber’s Creek, thence by Barber’s Creek to its source, and by a line bearing north-easterly to Uringalla Creek, and by that creek, Paddy’s River, and the Wollondilly River, to the confluence of Guinecor Creek aforesaid.
In the squatting district of Clarence and embracing the County of Clarence, and parts of the Counties of Raleigh and Richmond; bounded on the north by the range dividing the waters of the Clarence and Richmond Rivers, and a line bearing south-west to the Clarence River at a point due east of the Bolivia Range, and thence by a line west to the boundary line between the New England and Clarence River Squatting Districts; on the west by the boundary line, being a line north from Mount Werrikimbee; on the south by the range forming the southern boundary of the basin of the Clarence River; and on the east by the sea to the north boundary aforesaid.
Comprising the pastoral district of Burnett; bounded on the south by the range dividing the waters of the Rivers Brisbane and Burnett from -’Jemma” to the Great Dividing Range, and separating this district from the pastoral district of Moreton; on the west by the Great Dividing Range to the source of Palm Tree Creek, separating this district in part from the Pastoral District of Darling Downs; on the north by Palm Tree Creek to the River Dawson, by that river to a point due west by compass from the northernmost source of the River Burnett, by a line to that source, and by the range forming the northern watershed of the River Burnett, to a point due north by compass from the point where the range forming the western watershed of the Seven Hills or Degilba Creek meets the River Burnett; and on the east by a line to that point, by the last-mentioned range, and by the range dividing the waters of the River Burnett from those falling to Wide Bay and the sea coast south thereof, and separating this district from the Police District of Maryborough.
Including portions of the Murrumbidgee and Lachlan Squatting Districts being portions of the Counties of Wynyard and Buccleuch in the former, and Clarendon and Harden in the latter; bounded on the east by the dividing range between Jeremiah Creek and the Murrumbidgee River, (to include all the falls for Jeremiah Creek,) until such range reaches the range between Adjungbilly and Murrumbidgee, then by that range to the point where the boundary between Osborne’s and Murphy s Runs branches, then by that boundary to the Adjungbilly Creek, then crossing that creek, and immediately ascending the spur which leads to the dividing range between the Adjungbilly and Brungle Creeks, thence by that last named range and the spur from it which terminates on the Tumut, about 20 chains above the old inn below Brungle, and which forms the boundary between Osborne’s and Keighran’s Runs, then by the Tumut River up to Enrobbin, from Enrobbin by the leading range which forms the boundary between Broughton and M’Evoy (leaving M’Evoy’s Run to Gundagai); thence by the dividing range between the Tumut and Murrumbidgee. to where the northern boundary of Conrane’s Run branches, thence by that boundary to the Adelong Creek, about 20 chains below Conlan’s Hut, (leaving Conlan’s Run in the Tumut District,) then up the Adelong Creek to Johnston and Moore’s boundary, which is a spur range commencing on the Adelong Creek about 1 mile below Moore’s Hut, thence by that boundary to Carne’s Ellerslie boundary, being the main range between the Nacka Nacka and Adelong Creek, thence by that range until the northern boundary of Game’s Run branches, thence by that boundary erasing the Nacka Nacka and Yaven Yaven Creeks, and following it until it reaches the dividing range between Tarcutta and Yaven Yaven Creeks; on the west by that last named range and the spur range which branches from it, and terminates at the Murrumbidgee, at the lower end of Jones’ Flat, then up the Murrumbidgee to the point where the boundary between Wantabadgery and Oura Runs commences, then by that boundary northerly until it joins the range which divides the Billabong Creek from Houlahan’s Creek, and by that range until it joins the main range between the Murrumbidgee and Lachlan; on the north by the last named range, until the range branches which divides the waters falling to the Jugeong Creek through Wallendoon, from those going to Mutta Mutaama, and thence by the range dividing the waters falling to Jugeong Creek from those going to Mutta Muttama, Kitticarara, and terminating on the Murrumbidgee just below the confluence of the Jugeong Creek, then by the Murrumbidgee upwards to the confluence of Jeremiah Creek, aforesaid.
Embracing nearly the whole of the western portion of the County of Cook, the midland and southern portions of the County of Westmoreland, and a north-eastern portion of the County of Georgiana; and bounded on the north by the Colo River upwards from the confluence of Wollunganbe Creek to Sir. John’s Mouth; on the west by the range forming the eastern watershed of Coco or Cook’s Creek to the Great Dividing Range; and by that range to the point where the county boundary meets the Bathurst Road, by that road to Solitary Creek, by that creek to the Fish River, by that river and Fish River Creek to its head in the dividing range, then by that range to the head of Isabella River; and by that river to its confluence with the Abercrombie River; on the south by that river to its southern source, thence by a line bearing south-westerly to Burra Burra Lake; thence to the source of Guineacor Creek, and by that creek to its confluence with the Wollondilly; on the east by the Wollondilly downwards to the point where it is intersected by a line from Mount Jellore to Collong: then by that line to Mount Collong at the head of Kowmung River, by that river to its confluence with Cox’s River; then by that river downwards to Jamieson’s Valley ( reek, by that creek to the weatherboard hut; thence by a line north to Mount Hay, then by a line west to King George’s Mount; and thence by a line north-west to the head of Wollanganbe Creek; and by that creek to the Colo River aforesaid.
In the Squatting District of Moreton, and embracing parts of the Counties of Canning, Stanley, and Ward; bounded on the north by the range dividing the waters of the River Burnett from those of the River Brisbane, from the Great Dividing Range to “Jemma,” thence by D’Aguillar’s Range and a spur from that range to the confluence of Woogaroo Creek with the River Brisbane, and by Woogaroo Creek to its source; thence by a line south-westerly to Mount Goolman, and by the Mount Flinder’s Range to Kent’s Peak; thence by a line bearing south to the range dividing the waters of the Teviot Brook from those of Crow’s Creek, and by that range and the range dividing the waters of Teviot Brook and the Logan River, to the range dividing the waters of the Logan and other rivers from those of the Clarence, Richmond, and Tweed Rivers; on the south by that range to the Great Dividing Range; and on the west by that range to the range dividing the waters of the Brisbane and Burnett Rivers aforesaid.
Embracing an eastern portion of the County of Camden, and bounded on the north by the Illawarra Lake and the Macquarie River; on the west by the Illawarra Range and the middle source of the Kangaroo River to a point due west from the head of the Crooked River; on the south by a line from that point to the head of the Crooked River, and by that river to the sea; and on the east by the sea to the Illawarra Lake aforesaid.
Embracing the south-western portion of the County of Northumberland, and a part of the southern portion of the County of Hunter, and bounded on the east by the great north road from Wiseman’s Ferry to Mount M’Quoid in the range dividing the waters of Wollombi Brook from those of Mangrove and Yengo Creeks; on the north by that range, the range dividing the waters of Parson’s, Doyle’s, and Greig’s Creeks from those of the Macdonald River to Monadilia; then by a range dividing the waters of Widdin Creek from those of James’ or Balrami Creek, about three miles below the junction of Blackwater Creek; on the west by the Widdin Creek to its head at Mount Coricudgy; thence by the Great Dividing Range, and the range forming the eastern watershed of Umbiella Creek to the Colo River at Sir John’s Mouth; on the south by the Colo River to the confluence of Wallemi Creek; thence by a range to the range dividing the waters of the Macdonald from those of the Colo River and Webb’s Creek; and by that range to Wiseman’s Ferry at the confluence of the Macdonald and Hawkesbury Rivers aforesaid.
Embracing a northern portion of the County of Northumberland, and a southern portion of the County of Durham, and bounded on the north from the north-west corner of Francis Moran’s 2,460 acres grant, by the northerly continuation of the west boundary line of that land, to the south-west corner of W. Hickey’s 600 acres; thence by the western boundary of that land and its continuation northerly through Clyment’s 2,000 acres, forming the eastern boundary of Thomas Bartie’s 2,560 acres, and passing through Andrew Dixon’s 1,600 acres, to the southern boundary of Hugh Torrence’s 2,000 acres, and by that boundary and its continuation westerly through government land and W Dunn’s 1,300 acres grant, to the south-east corner of J. P. Webber’s 2020 acres grant; thence by the southern boundary of that land the northern boundary of T. Nowland’s land, and a line north-westerly across the church grant and government land to the north-east corner of W. C. Wentworth’s by 1,034 acres; thence the north boundary of that land, the south and west boundaries of Lambe’s 2,060 acres, the north and west boundaries of Mitchell’s 880 acres and the north and west boundaries of Underwood’s 1,500 acres to the River Hunter at the south-east corner of Gaggin’s 2,000 acres grant; and thence by the River Hunter to the confluence of Black Creek; on the west by Black Creek to its western source and thence by a line bearing south-westerly to Broken Back Mountain- on the south by the range from that mountain to the Sugar Loaf Mountain; and thence by a line bearing north-easterly to a point in a line with the western boundary of Francis Moran’s grant of 2,460 acres, and by that line and the western boundary of Moran’s grant to the north-west corner of that grant aforesaid.
Embracing the whole of the Squatting District of Macleay, and part of the County of Macquarie; bounded on the north by the range forming the southern watershed of the Clarence River to the sea coast; on the east by the sea coast southerly to Crescent Head; thence on the south by a line bearing north-west to the range dividing the waters of the Macleay and Hastings Rivers, and by that range westerly to Kippara; thence on the south-east by a line to Mount Sea View; and thence on the west by the western boundary of the Squatting District of Macleay to the range forming the southern watershed of the Clarence River aforesaid.
Embracing a western portion of the County of Wellington and part of the adjoining squatting districts; and bounded on the north by the boundary of the settled districts (which is a curved line westward of the Town of Wellington including all lands within ten miles from any point of the outward limits of the town) to the nearest point of the Little River; thence by a line westerly to that river, and by that river upwards to Mrs. Ireland’s Station “Oberly’’ thence by a line to “Genanyie” Messrs. Caley, Templar and Richards Station on the Bogan River; thence by that river downwards to the Bar wan; on the north by the River Barwan or Darling to Fort Bourke; thence on the west by a line bearing south-easterly to the confluence of Kalingalungaguy Creek, with the River Lachlan; on the south by the River Lachlan to the confluence of the Belubula River; and on the east by the western boundaries of the Counties of Bathurst and Wellington to the confluence of the Molong and Borrehove Creeks; thence by the Molong Creek to the south-west corner of Joseph Taylor’s 2,560 acres; thence by the west boundary of that grant to the Bell River, and by that river downwards to the boundary aforesaid.
In the Murrumbidgee Squatting District; bounded on the east by Toole Creek from where it bursts from the Murray to the Merribal Creek, thence by the Merribal Creek to the Wakool River, from the point where the Merribal and Wakool separate, by a direct line to the south-west corner of Gwynne’s Werai Run, by the western boundary of that run and the western boundary of Gwynne’s Baratta Run; on part of the south by about (7) seven miles of the northern boundary of Baratta Run, to the western boundary of Hindmarsh’s, now Innes’, Wanganilly Run, by the western boundary of that run crossing the Billabong to the north-west corner of Wanganilly Run; on the north by the northern or back boundary of all the runs fronting to the Billabong Creek and Edward River, below that creek down to the dividing line between Messrs, Sylvester and Smith’s, and Mr. Guerson’s Runs; on the west by that boundary southerly to the Edward, then by the Edward River and Wakool to the confluence of the latter with the Murray, thence by the Murray River upwards to the point where Toole Creek burst from it as aforesaid.
Comprising the Pastoral District of Wide Bay; bounded on the south by the Glass House Range from the sea coast to Jemma, separating this district from the Pastoral District of Moreton; on the west by the range dividing the waters of the Burnett from those falling to Wide Bay and the sea coast south thereof, and the range forming the western watershed of the Seven Hills or Degilba Creek to the River Burnett, and thence by a line bearing north by compass to the range forming the northern watershed of the River Burnett, separating this district from that of Gayndah; on the north by the last-mentioned range to the sea; and on the east by the sea.
Embracing the western portion of the County of Phillip, and the northern portion of the County of Wellington; and bounded on the north from the confluence of Bylong Creek by the Goulburn River to its head in the Great Dividing Range; by that range and by Urialda Creek to its confluence with the Cudgegong River; on the west by the Cudgegong River to the confluence of Meroo Creek; thence on the south by the range dividing the waters of the Cudgegong, Macquarie, Pyramul, and Turon Rivers, from those of the Meroo, to the head of Cudgegong Creek; thence on the east by Cudgegong Creek to its confluence with the Cudgegong River, thence by a line north by compass passing to the west of the village of Dungaree to the Great Dividing Range, and by that range easterly and the range forming the western watershed of Bylong Creek, to the confluence of that creek with the Goulburn River aforesaid.
Embracing the northern portion of the County of Durham, and the north-eastern portion of the County of Brisbane; and bounded on the north and part of the west by the Liverpool Range, heading the waters of the Peel and other rivers to Mount Tinagroo; thence by the range dividing the waters of Dart Brook and Thompson’s Creek to the section line forming the north boundary of S, Coxen’s northernmost portion of 640 acres on Thompson’s Creek; on the south by that section line, forming also the north boundary of W. Stephen’s 640 acres, W. Forsyth’s northernmost 640 acres on the Kingdon Ponds, crossing the Rivers Page and Isis, and the Waverly Estate, forming the south boundary of T. Inglis’s 1280 acres, crossing the River Hunter, forming the nothernmost boundary of W. Buchanan’s 1200 acres, and extending eastward to the range dividing the waters of the River Hunter from those of the River Manning; and on the east by that range northerly to the Liverpool Range aforesaid.
Embracing the south-western portion of the County of Durham, the south-eastern portion of the County of Brisbane, and the north- western portion of the County of Hunter; and bounded on the north by the range dividing the waters of Saint Hillier’s and Rouchel Brooks to the north-east corner of Henry Dumaresq’s 1,500 acres, and by the northern boundary of that land, and the southern boundary of the Village Reserve of Aberdeen to the River Hunter; and by that river to the confluence of Dart Brook; thence by that brook the southern boundary of Hall’s 3,000 acres, dividing that land from v D. M’lntyre’s 2,000 acres, and its westerly continuation forming the north boundaries of D. M’Intyre’s 560, A. W. Scott’s 2,560, and W. Cox’s 937 acres, and the southern boundaries of P. Scott’s 640, S. Wright’s 640, and W. Cox’s 726, and 1,056 acres, to the confluence of Guangua Creek with the Wybong Creek; thence by a line bearing westerly to the south-east corner of W. Hall’s easternmost 640 acres; by the eastern and southern boundaries of Hall’s land, (exclusive of his 372 acres on Giant’s Creek; and a line west from the south-west corner of George Hall’s 785 acres on Hall’s Creek to the hills forming the western boundary of the valley of Warrendie Creek, on the west by those hills (by Warrendie Mountain) to the Goulburn River, by that river upwards to the confluence of Widdin Creek, and by that creek to within about 3 miles of the confluence of Black Water Creek; thence on the south by the range dividing the waters of Widdin Creek from those of Baerami or James’ Creek to Monundilla; and thence by the range dividing the waters of Greig’s and Doyle’s Creek from those of the Macdonald River; and on the east by the range dividing the waters of Parson’s Creek and the Wollombi Brook from those of Doyle’s Creek; and by that range to the south-west corner of the Jerry’s Plains Reserve; and by the western boundary of that reserve, and its continuation northerly forming the eastern boundaries of Sharpe’s, Robertson’s, Pringle’s, and Macartney’s lands, to the range dividing the waters of Muswellbrook and Saint Hillier’s Brook from those of the Salt Water Creek, Foybrook, and Falbrook, to the range dividing the waters of Saint Hillier’s and Rouchel Brooks aforesaid.
Embracing the north-eastern portion of the County of Northumberland, and a southern portion of the County of Gloucester; and bounded on the north from a point on the sea shore in a line with the north boundary of J. Smith’s 640 acres; by that line, Smiths’ north boundary line, and the south boundary of Kenneth Snodgrass 1,120 acres to Fullerton Cove; by Fullerton Cove and the River Hunter to the south-east corner of the Parish of Alnwick; and by the south boundary of that parish to a point in a line with the western boundary of Francis Moran’s 2,460 acres grant; thence on the west by a line bearing south-westerly to the Sugar Loaf Mountain, and by the Sugar Loaf Range to the source of Dora Creek; on the south by Dora Creek and a line bearing easterly from its mouth, crossing Lake Macquarie to the sea at Reid’s Mistake; and on the east by the sea to a point in a line with Smith’s north boundary line aforesaid.
Embracing the southern portion of the County of Wellington, and a western portion of the County of Bathurst; and bounded on the north by Curragurra Creek from its confluence with the Macquarie River to its source; thence by a line to the source of Larras Lake, and by Larras Lake to the Bell River; on the west by that river upwards to the north-west corner of Joseph Taylor’s 2,560. acres, and by the western boundary of that land to the Molong Rivulet; thence by that rivulet to the Boorenoore Creek, and by that creek to its head, and thence by a line southerly to the Conobolas, thence by a line southerly to the source of the Pannara Rivulet, and by that rivulet to the section line forming the north boundary of the Church and School Estate, on the Belubula River; on the south by that section line, the north boundary of the Church and School Estate, and the section line forming that boundary and dividing Smith’s and Simmon’s lands from Orr’s 1,920 acres, and a Village Reserve to the range dividing the waters of the Belubula River from those of the Macquarie; and on the east by that range to the head of Lewis’ Ponds, by Lewis’ Ponds to the Macquarie River, and by that river downwards to its confluence with the Currugurra Creek aforesaid.
Embracing a northern and midland portion of the County of Cumberland, consisting of the Hundreds of Parramatta, Liverpool, and Dundas, and the parishes of Cabramatta and Wattamolla; bounded on the north by the Hawkesbury River; on the north-west by a line bearing south-westerly to the north road leading to Wiseman’s Ferry; on the west by this road to the northern boundary of George Suttor’s grant of 50 acres; thence by a line south-westerly to the junction of the Pitt Town and Windsor Roads; thence by the Windsor Road and a line bearing west to the confluence of Breakfast and Eastern Creeks, by Eastern Creek to the Cowpasture Road, by that road to the Northern Road, and by the Northern Road to South Creek, by South Creek to the Bringelly Road, by that road to the Cowpasture Old Road, and by that last mentioned road to the junction of the Southern Cross-Cut Road from the Campbelltown Road; thence on the south by that Cross-cut Road to the Campbelltown Road; thence by a line bearing easterly and crossing Bunberry Curren Creek, George’s River, and Deadman’s Creek to the north boundary of John Lucas’s grant on Woronora Creek, and thence by a line bearing south-easterly to the sea at Wattamolla; and on the east by the sea to Cape Solander, thence by Botany Bay, George’s River, Salt-pan Creek, and the western boundaries of the parishes of St. George and Concord to the Parramatta River, and crossing that river thence by the north side of that river easterly to Lane Cove, by Lane Cove and its bays, save Cove River and lines bearing north and north-easterly, dividing Hyndes’ grant to Cowan Creek; and by that Creek forming the western boundaries of the parishes of Gordon and Broken Bay to the Hawkesbury River.
Embracing a midland and northern portion of the County of Durham; bounded on the north by the range at the head of the Allyn and Paterson Rivers; on the west by the Mount-royal Range and the range dividing the waters of Glendon Brook from those of the Paterson River, to a point in a line with the eastern boundary of Gaggin’s 2000 acres grant on the River Hunter, and by that line and the eastern boundary of Gaggin’s land to the north-west corner of Underwood’s 1500 acres grant; on the south by the north boundary of that land, the west and north boundaries of J. Mitchell’s 880 acres, the west and south boundaries of Lamb’s 2560 acres, and the north boundary of W. C. Wentworth’s 1034 acres to its north- east corner; thence by a line south-easterly across Government land and the Church grant to the north-west corner of Nowland’s land, and by the north boundary of that land, the south boundary of J. P. Webber’s 2020 acres and its continuation easterly through W. Dunn’s 1300 acres grant, and Government land, to the south-west corner of Hugh Torrence’s 2000 acres; and thence by the south boundary of that land to the range dividing the waters of the Allyn and Paterson Rivers from those of the Williams River; and by that range to the range at the head of the Allyn and Paterson Rivers aforesaid.
Embracing a southern portion of the County of Durham, the north-eastern portion of the County of Hunter, and the north-western portion of the County of Northumberland; and bounded on the north by the range from the Mount Royal Range westward, dividing the waters of the Rouchel Brook, St. Hillier’s Brook, and Muswellbrook, from those of Falbyook, Foybrook and the Saltwater Creek; on the west by that range and the section-line forming the eastern boundaries of Macartney’s, Pringle’s, Robertson’s, and Sharpe’s lands, and the western boundary of the Jerry’s Plains Reserve, to the south-west corner of that reserve; thence by the range dividing the waters of Parson’s Creek and the Wollombi Brook from those of Doyle’s Creek; on the south by the range dividing the waters of the Macdonald River from those of Parson’s Creek and the range dividing the waters of Werong and Drew’s Creeks to the Wollombi Brook; and thence by the range heading Culawine and Cedar Creeks to the Broken-back Mountain; and on the east by a line to the western source of Black Creek, by that creek to the river Hunter, and by the River Hunter to the south-east corner of Gaggin’s 2000 acres grant; thence by the eastern boundary of that grant and its continuation northerly to the range dividing the waters of Glendon Brook from those of the Paterson River, and by that range and the Mount Royal Range to the range from thence westward aforesaid.
Embracing the south-eastern portion of the County of Cook and a western portion of the County of Cumberland; and bounded on the north from Rooty Hill and Eastern Creek by the Richmond Road to Rickaby’s Creek; thence by a line bearing north-westerly to Grose s River and by that river to Mount Hay; on the west from Mount Hay by a line bearing southerly to the Weatherboard Hut, and thence by Jamieson’s Valley to Cox’s River; on the south by Cox’s and the Warragamba Rivers to the Nepean River, and by that river upwards to Bringelly Creek, and by that creek and the Bringelly Road to South Creek; and on the east by South Creek to the Northern Old Road, by that road, the Cowpasture Old Road, and a line bearing north-westerly to Eastern Creek, and by Eastern Creek to Rooty Hill and the Richmond Road aforesaid.
Embracing nearly the whole of the County of Macquarie and the north-eastern portion of the County of Gloucester; commencing on the sea coast, at a point which is about one mile north of Halliday’s Point and about nine miles south of Farquhar Inlet; and bounded thence on the east by the sea coast northerly to Crescent Head; thence on the north by a line bearing north-west to the range dividing the waters of the Macleay and Hastings Rivers, and by that range westerly to Kippara; on part of the west by a line from Kippara to Mount-Sea View, thence by a line to the confluence of the Manning and Barnard Rivers; on part of the south by the Manning River downward to the confluence of the Gloucester River; thence on the remainder of the west by a line bearing south-easterly to the corner (near Millstone Hill) of the Australian Agricultural Company’s grant of 437,102 acres; thence by an eastern boundary of that grant bearing south to the range forming the southern watershed of the Manning River; and on the remainder of the south by the range forming the southern watershed of the Manning River, the range forming the northern watershed of the Wollamba River, and by a creek rising in that range and falling into the sea about one mile north of Halliday’s point aforesaid.
Embracing the midland and north-western portions of the County of Gloucester, and bounded on the north from the sea coast about one mile north of Halliday’s Point, by a small creek to its source in the range forming the northern watershed of the Wollamba River, thence by that range and the range forming the southern watershed of the Manning River to an eastern boundary line of the Australian Agricultural Company’s grant of 437,102 acres, and by that boundary bearing north to the corner of that grant, near Millstone Hill; thence by a line bearing north-westerly to the confluence of the Gloucester River with the Manning River, and by the Manning River to its source in the Mount Royal Range; on the west by that range and the range dividing the waters of the Williams River from those of the Manning and Karnah Rivers, to the road from Clarence Town to Sawyer’s Point; on the south by that road to Sawyer’s Point and by Port Stephens; and on the east by the sea coast to the creek about one mile north of Halliday’s Point aforesaid.
Including the greater portion of the County of Murray and part of the Counties of Cowley and Buccleuch, in the Murrumbidgee Squatting District; bounded on the north from the Wolowolar Mountain by the ridge north-westerly to Alianoyonyiga Mountain, and thence by a line bearing south to Kenny’s grant, thence by the eastern and western margins of Lake George, and by Cullann Range to the source of Gundaroo Creek, and by that creek to its confluence with the Yass River, thence by a line bearing south-west to the range connected with One-tree Hill, and by that range to One-tree Hill, and thence by a line bearing west to the Murrumbidgee River’ thence by that river downwards to the spur range which commences on the left bank of the Murrumbidgee, about ½ half a mile below Yeumbera, (and which forms the boundary between the Yeumbera and the Cavan Runs,) then by that range until it joins the range between the Murrumbidgee and Cavan Mountain Creek, and thence by the last named range until it joins the range between the Murrumbidgee and Goodradigbee Rivers, thence by the lastnamed range until the spur branches which divides the waters falling into the Flea Creek from those going into the Goodradigbee above the Flea Creek, and by that range to its termination at the confluence of the Flea Creek with the Goodradigbee River, then by the spur range which commences immediately opposite the said confluence and leads to the main dividing range between the Goodradigbee and Tumut, thence by that range and the range dividing the falls going direct to the Murrumbidgee from those going to the Goodradigbee, Cotter and Gudjanby Rivers and Neece Valley Creek to Mount Clear, thence by a tributary of Gap Creek and by that creek to the Murrumbidgee, and by that river to the confluence of Micaligo Creek; on the south by that creek to its head, thence by a line to the head of Tindery Creek, by that creek to the Queanbeyan River, and by that river to its head near Mount Tumanwong, and on the east by the Gourock Range to the Wolowolar Mountain aforesaid.
Embracing the northern portion of the County of Roxburgh, the eastern portion of the County of Phillip, and the western portions of the Counties of Hunter and Cook; and bounded on the north by the Goulburn River downwards from the confluence of Bylong Creek to that of Widden Creek; thence on the east by Widden Creek to its head at Mount Coricudgy, thence by the Great Dividing Range and the range forming the eastern watershed of Umbiella Creek to the Colo River, at Sir John’s Mouth, by a line southerly crossing the Colo River, and by the range forming the eastern watershed of Coco or Cook’s Creek to the great dividing range; on the south by the great dividing range westerly to Blackman’s Crown, thence by a line south-westerly to the nearest point of the Turon River near the confluence of Coolamigel Creek, by that river downwards to the confluence of Round Swamp Creek, and thence by the range forming the western watershed of that creek, the range forming the southern watershed of Warragunnia Creek, and a spur range to Cunningham’s Creek, opposite the confluence of the tributary falling into it from Mount Corcalgong; thence on the west by the western boundary of the County of Roxburgh, being Cunningham’s Creek upwards for about two miles, and a line north-easterly to the head of Cudgegong Creek, by that creek which flows east of Rocable to its confluence with the Cudgegong River; thence by a line north, by compass,, passing to the west of the Village of Dungaree to the Great Dividing Range, and by that range easterly and the range forming the western watershed of Bylong Creek to the confluence of that creek with the Goulburn River aforesaid.
Comprising the Pastoral District of Maranoa and part of the Pas toral District of Darling Downs; bounded on the south by the River Barwan downwards to where the surveyed and marked track crosses it at a tree marked No 87, thence by that track to Johnston’s station (called Cunningundi) on the Mooni River, thence by a line to Camp 1 on the Culgoa (2nd and 3rd April, 1846), by the same line prolonged till it cuts the 28th parallel of south latitude, and by that parallel westerly to the River Warrego; on the west by the River Warrego upwards to the confluence of Cunno Creek, and by that creek to its source near Mount Playfair; on the north by the range forming the northern watershed of the Rivers Warrego, Maranoa,. and Balonne or Condamine south-easterly; on the east by a line south by compass from that range crossing the Condamine 5 miles west of Chinchilla (Gogg’s station; on the south by the continuation of a line south-westerly from the Great Dividing Range passing about 2 miles south of Jondaryan (Coutt’s station) on Oaky Creek, cutting the Condamine at the confluence of the north branch and passing between the heads of Cattle and Wilkie’s Creek to a point due south of the confluence of Dogwood Creek with the Balonne River, and on the remainder of the east by a line south by compass from that point to the Barwin River aforesaid.
Embracing the southern portion of the County of Gloucester, the south-eastern portion of the County of Durham, and a north-eastern portion of the County of Northumberland; bounded on the north from South Head by the southern shores of Port Stephens to Sawyer’s Point, thence by the line of road to Clarence Town, to the eastern boundary of Lowe and Marshall’s 640 acres, by that boundary and the south boundary of that land to the Williams River, and by that river to the south-east corner of Whitmore’s 100 acres, thence by the south boundary of that land and its continuation westerly to the north-east corner of A. Fisher’s 1500 acres, thence by the north boundary line of that land and the south boundary lines of D. O. Orpen’s 320 acres and W. H. Holmes’ 320 acres, to the south-west corner of Holmes’ 320 acres; thence on the west by the continuation southerly of the west boundary of that land, passing through Government land, Hugh Torrence’s 2000 acres and Andrew Dixon’s 1000 acres, forming the east boundary of Thomas Bartie’s 2560 acres, passing through Clyment’s 2000 acres, forming the western boundary of W. Hickey’s 600 acres, and crossing the River Hunter to the north-west corner of Francis Moran’s 2460 acres grant, thence by the western boundary of that grant and its southerly continuation to the south boundary of the parish of Alnwick; on the south by the southern boundary of that parish to the River Hunter, and by that river and Fullerton Cove to the south-west corner of Kenneth Snodgrass’ 1120 acres, thence by the south boundary of that land and the north boundary of J. Smith’s 640 acres and their continuation to the sea; and on the east by the sea to the South Head of Port Stephens aforesaid.
Embracing a north-western portion of the County of Durham and an eastern portion of the County of Brisbane; and bounded on the north from the range dividing the waters of the River Hunter from those of the River Manning, by the section-line forming the northernmost boundary of W. Buchanan’s 1200 acres on the River Hunter, crossing that river, forming the south boundary of T. Inglis’ 1280 acres, crossing the Waverly Estate, and the Rivers Isis and Page, forming the north boundary of W. Forsyth’s northernmost 640 acres on the Kingdon Ponds, and forming northern boundaries of W. Stephens’ 640 acres and S, Coxen’s northernmost portion of 640 acres on Thompson’s Creek to the range dividing the waters of that creek and Dart Brook, by that range to the Liverpool Range .at Mount Tinagroo, and by the Liverpool Range to Mount Terell; on the west by the range dividing the waters of Hall’s and Gummum Creeks, and the hills forming the western boundary of the valley of Warrendie Creek to a point west of the southern boundary of G. Hall’s 785 acres on Hall’s Creek; onthesouth by a line bearing east to the south-west corner of that land, and by the southern and eastern boundaries of Hall’s lands (exclusive of his 372 acres on Grant’s Creek) to the south-east corner of W. Hall’s eastermost 640 acres; thence by a line easterly to the confluence of Guangua and Wybong Creeks; thence by a line bearing east and forming the south boundaries of W. Cox’s 1056 and 726 acres, S. Wright’s 640 acres, P. Scott’s 640 acres, and George Hall’s 3000 acres, and the northern boundaries of W. Cox’s 937 acres, A. W. Scott’s 2560 acres, and D. M’lntyre’s 560 and 2000 acres, to Dart Brook, by Dart Brook to the River Hunter, and by that river upwards, the south boundary of the Village Reserve of Aberdeen, and the north boundary of Henry Dumaresq’s 1500 acres to its northeast corner; and thence by the range dividing the waters of St. Hillier’s and Rouchel Brooks, and the range eastward towards Mount Royal; and on the east by the range northward of Mount Royal and dividing the waters of the Upper Hunter from those of the Rivers Paterson and Manning aforesaid.
Embracing the south-eastern portion of the County of Camden and the northern portion of the County of St. Vincent; and bounded on the north by the Crooked River and a line due west from the head of that river to Kangaroo River, by the Kangaroo River to the Shoalhaven River and by that river; on the west by the Shoalhaven River to about 2 miles south of the confluence of Warriamongo Creek on the south by the range forming the north boundary of the valley of Endrick’s River, the range dividing the Shoalhaven and coast waters, and the Pigeon House Range to the head of Pigeon House Creek; and thence hyaline south-easterly to Tobooree on the sea coast, about 7 miles southerly from Ulladulla; and on the east by the sea to the Crooked River aforesaid.
Bounded on the north by the waters of Port Jackson, from a landmark at the head of Blackwattle Bay to Rushcutter’s Bay; on the east by the stream entering Rushcutter’s Bay to a bridge on the South Head Road, at the north-west corner of Sydney Common, and by the western boundary of that common, being the east side of Dowling-Street, to Cleveland-street; on the south /by the south side of Cleveland-street westerly to a land-mark on the , Cook’s River Road; and on the west by the west side of the Cook’s River Road and its northerly prolongation to the land marked at the head of Blackwattle Bay, and including Cockatoo and Goat Islands.
In the Squatting District of Clarence and embracing the County of Rous and part of the County of Richmond; bounded on the north by the range dividing the waters of the Logan, and other rivers, from those of the Clarence, Richmond and Tweed Rivers, from Point Danger to the Great Dividing Range; on the west by the Great Dividing Range and a line bearing south crossing the Rocky River at a point where the banks close in abruptly about 5 miles east of “Frocester” (Mr. Bloxsome’s station) to a line bearing east from the Bolivie Range; on the south by that line to the Clarence River; thence by a line bearing north-east to the range dividing the waters of the Clarence and Richmond Rivers, and by that range to the sea; and on the east by the sea to Point Danger aforesaid.
In the Squatting District of Liverpool Plains and embracing the Counties of Parry and Buckland; bounded on the north by the northern boundary of the Squatting District of Liverpool Plains, being the range dividing the waters of the Namoi or Peel River from those of the Gwyder River; on the west by a line, bearing south and passing through Mr. Doyle’s station “Nanabry” on the south by the south boundary of the Liverpool Plains District, being the Warrabangle Range, the range thence to the Liverpool Range dividing the waters of Castlereagh and Namoi Rivers, and the Liverpool Range; and on the east by the eastern boundary of the Liverpool Plains District, being the western extreme of the Table Land of New England, to the range dividing the waters of the Namoi and Gwyder Rivers aforesaid.
In the Squatting Districts of New England and Darling Downs bounded on the north by a line bearing west to the point where the Darling Downs Road crosses Quart Pot Creek; thence by a line bearing north-west to the range dividing the waters of the Severn River from those of the Macintyre Brook; and by that range westerly to a point due north of the north-west corner of the New England Squatting District; on the west by a line to the said corner, and by the western boundary of the New England Squatting District, being the western extreme of the Table Land; on the south by the range forming the north boundary of the valley of the River Severn, the Bolwin Range, and a line bearing east and on the east by a line bearing north and crossing the Rocky River at a point where the banks close in abruptly, about 5 miles east of “Frocester,” Mr. Bloxsome’s Station, and the Great Dividing Range to the north boundary aforesaid.
In the Murrumbidgee Squatting District, forming parts of the Counties of Buccleugh, Wynyard, and Selwyn; commencing about (20) twenty chains above the old Inn, situated on the Tumut below Brungle Station; and bounded by the spur range which commences at that point and forms the boundary between Osborne’s and Kighran’s Run, and following the said spur until it reaches the dividing [range between the Adjungbilly and Brungle Creeks then by that range to the point where the spur branches, which terminates on the Adjungbilly, exactly opposite the boundary between Murphy and Osborne’s Runs, thence by that spur to the Adjungbilly then by the boundary between Murphy and Osborne up to the summit of the dividing range between the Murrumbidgee and Tumut then on the east, south, and west by the leading range which bounds the Tumut system of waters until the range dividing the Tumbarumba and Tarcutta Creeks branches from it, then by that last named range and the continuation of it, being the Main Dividing Range between the Murray and Murrumbidgee until the range dividing the Tarcutta and Umbango Creeks branches, then by that range and a spur from it terminating on the Tarcutta about (1) one mile below the Bago Hill, then crossing the Tarcutta and ascending the spur range which leads over Bago Hill to the dividing range between the Tarcutta and Yaven Yaven then proceeding along that range until the spur range forming the northern boundary of Carnes Run branches, thence by the northern boundary of Carne’s Run crossing the Nacka Nacka and Yaven Yaven Creeks to the dividing range between the Nacka Nacka and Adelong Creeks, then by that range until the range branches, which forms the boundary of Messrs Johnson’s Run from that of Messrs. Moore, then by that range down to the Adelong, then by the Adelong Creek downwards to the commencement of the spur which forms the lower boundary of Martin Curran’s Run, thence by that boundary to the dividing range between the Murrumbidgee and Tumut, thence by the last’ named range to the point where the range between Broughton and M’Evoy’s Runs branches, and by the last named range to the Tumut at Enrobbin, thence by the Tumut River downwards to the spur range terminating about (20) twenty chains above the old Inn aforesaid. Thus including all the fall of ground for the Tumut above the spur range near the old Inn on the right bank, and above Enrobbin on the left bank, all the fall of ground for the Adjungbilly above Murphy and Osborne’s boundary, all the fall of ground on the right bank of the Adelong Creek above Curran’s lower boundary, and on the left bank above Johnson and Moore’s boundary, all the falls for the Nacka Nacka and Yaven Yaven Creeks above the points where Carne’s lower boundary crosses the creeks, all the falls for the Tarcutta and Bago Creeks above the doint one mile below the Bago Inn.
In the Lachlan and Murrumbidgee Squatting Districts; bounded on the east by a spur range, which commences on the Murrumbidgee, at the lower end of Jones’ Flat, and forms the boundary between Hillas’ Yabtree Run and Gordon’s Borambola Run; then by that range until it joins the dividing range between the Tarcutta and Yaven Yaven Creeks; thence by that range until the spur branches which leads over Bago Hill, and terminates on the Tarcutta Creek, about one mile below the Bago Hill Inn; then crossing the Tarcutta Creek, and immediately ascending the spur range, which joins the main range between the Murray and Murrumbidgee Rivers; thence by that range to the head of Buckarguia Creek; then by the leading range between the Murray and Murrumbidgee Rivers; thence by that range to the head of Buckarguia Creek; then by the leading range between the Buckarguia Creek and the Yerong and Mittagong Creeks, and continuing along the leading range to Wollondoon Hill; thence by the boundaries between the runs fronting on the Urangeline Creek, Uranna Lake, Uranna Creek, and Cookjedong Creek, from those running to the Billabong; thence up the Colombo to the upper end of Osborne’s Run; thence by the boundaries of Messrs. Osborne’s Run on the Columbo and Pepper’s Run on the Yanko, excluding both those runs; thence from the north- east comer of Pepper’s Run on the south, by the northern boundary of all the runs fronting on the Yanko and Billabong Creeks, until such boundary reaches the point exactly south of the boundary between Messrs. M’Leay and Chapman’s run; thence by a line north to that boundary, and then by that boundary to the Murrumbidgee; then crossing that river and following it to the boundary between Messrs. Raye and Oakes’ Runs; then by that boundary and a line north to the Lachlan River; thence up that river to a point bearing north-west from the termination of the range dividing the waters of the Lachlan from those going to the Murrumbidgee; then by a south- east line to that termination; on the north by the Dividing Range between the Lachlan and Murrumbidgee, until the range branches which divide Houlahan’s Creek from the Billabong; on the east by that last-named range until it reaches the boundary between the Oura and Wantabagen Runs, thence by that boundary to the Murrumbidgee, and then by the Murrumbidgee downwards to the lower end of Jones’ Flat aforesaid.
In the Pastoral Districts of Gwydir and Darling Downs; bounded on the north by the range dividing the waters of the Macintyre Brook from those of the Dumaresq Fiver (known also as the Severn) to the confluence of those streams, and by the rivers Dumaresq and Barwan (also there known as the Karaula or Macintyre) downwards to where the surveyed and marked track from the Balonne crosses the latter river at a tree marked No. 87; thence by that track to Johnstone’s station (called Cunningundi) on the Moni River; thence by a line to Camp 1 on the Culgoa (2nd and 3rd April, 1846), by the same line prolonged till it cuts the 28th parallel of south latitude, and by that parallel westerly to the River Warrego; on the west by the River Warrego downwards to where the 29th parallel meets it; on the south by the 29th parallel to where it is cut by Mr. Kennedy’s return track from the River Warrego, and by that track to where the prolongation of a line from Pockataroo to the Rocky Ford on the Narran, in latitude 29 degrees 20 minutes south cuts it, and by that line to Pockataroo; thence by the range dividing the waters of the River Gwydir from those of the Namoi or Peel to the western boundary of the Pastoral District of New England; and on the east by that boundary, being the fall at the western extreme of the table-land to the north-west corner of that district; and thence by a line bearing north to the range dividing the waters of the Macintyre Brook from those of the Dumaresq River aforesaid.
In the Pastoral District of Darling Downs; bounded on the north by the range dividing the waters of King’s or Forbes’ Creek from those of Dalrymple’s Creek to the Condamine River, and by that river downwards to the confluence of Canal Creek; on the west by the range forming the western watershed of that creek and the range dividing the waters of the Condamine River from those of the Macintyre Brook to the range dividing the waters of that brook from those of the Severn River; on the south by the last mentioned ranges and a line bearing south-east to the point where the Darling Downs Road crosses Quart-pot Creek; and thence by a line bearing east to the Great Dividing Range; and on the east by the Great Dividing Range to the range dividing the waters of King’s and Dalrymple’s Creeks aforesaid.
In the Pastoral Districts of Liverpool Plains and Bligh; bounded on north by the range dividing the waters of the Namoi and Gwydir Rivers to Pockataroo; and thence by a line to the Rocky Ford on the Narran River, in latitude 29 degrees 20 minutes south, and by the prolongation of that line to where it is cut by a line bearing due north from the confluence of the Bokhara River with the Barwan; on the west by the last described line to that confluence; on the south by the River Barwan upwards to the confluence of the Namoi River; thence by the range dividing the waters of the Castlereagh und Namoi Rivers and the Warraoangle Range; and on the east from the last mentioned range by a line due north, passing through Mr. C. Doyle’s station, Narrabry, to the range dividing the waters of the Namoi and Gwydir Rivers aforesaid.
In the Squatting District of New England; bounded on the north by a line bearing east from the Bolivia range; by that range and the range forming the north boundary of the valley of the Severn River; on the west by the western boundary of the New England Squatting District, being the western extreme of the table-land; on the south by the Bundarra River, the range forming the south boundary of the valley of the Emu-Holes Creek and the Ben Lomond Range; and on the east by the eastern boundary of the New England District, being a line north by compass, from Werrikimbee Mount to the Bolivia Range aforesaid.
Embracing the north-western and midland portions of the County of Wellington, and that part of the Squatting Districts which is now included in the Settled Districts; and bounded on the north from near the confluence of Wildra Creek with the Cudgegong River, by a road leading north-westerly from Guntawang to Cobra, to the range dividing the Cudgegong and Erskine waters; on the west by that range to within 10 miles of the Town of Wellington; thence by the boundary of the Settled Districts, being a curved line westward of the Town of Wellington, including all lands within 10 miles from any point of the outward limits of the said town to the Bell River, and by that river to Larras Lake; on the south by Larras Lake to its head; and thence by a line to the head of Currugurra Creek; by that creek to the Macquarie River, and by the Macquarie and Turon Rivers and Cunningham’s Creek to the range dividing the waters of the Macquarie and Cudgegong Rivers, and by that range and a spur from that range to the confluence of Mero Creek with the Cudgegong River, and by the Cudgegong River to the junction of the Wildra Creek aforesaid.
Embracing a north-western portion of the County of Cumberland, and the north – eastern portion of the County of Cook, and the southern portion of the County of Hunter; bounded on the north by the Hawkesbury to Wiseman’s Ferry; thence up the valley of Webb’s Creek, and by the dividing range to the confluence of the Wollim Creek with the Colo River; on the west by the Colo River and the Wollonganby to its two sources, thence by a line bearing south to King George’s Mount; and from thence by a line bearing south-easterly to Grose’s River; on the south by Grose’s River to its confluence with the Hawkesbury; thence by a line bearing south-easterly to Rickaby’s Creek, at the crossing of the Richmond Road, and by this road to Eastern Creek; on the east by the Eastern Creek to its confluence with Breakfast Creek; thence by a line bearing east to the Windsor Road, and by this road to its junction with the Pitt-Town Road; from thence by a line bearing north- easterly to Win. Suttor’s grant of 50 acres to the north road, and by this road to the south-west angle of the parish of Frederick; thence by a line bearing north-easterly to the Hawkesbury aforesaid.
Embracing the north-eastern portion of the County of Camden and the south-eastern portion of the Comity of Cumberland; and bounded on the north-west by the Ulawarra Range from the Coal Cliff to the head of the Macquarie River; on the south by that river and the Ulawarra Lake; and on the east by the sea to the Coal Cliff aforesaid.
Embracing the midland portion of the County of Northumberland, and bounded on the north from near the head of Wallis Creek, by the Broken-back Range, and by the range to the north-west of Cedar and Culawine Creeks to the Wollombi Brook; and thence by the range dividing the waters of Werong and Drew’s Creeks; on the west by the range dividing the waters of the Wollombi Brook and Macdonald River; on the south by that range and the range dividing the waters of the Wollombi Brook from those of Wayong and Mangrove Creeks; and on the east by the range dividing the waters of the Wollombi brook from those of Dora and Wallis Creeks, to the Broken-back Range aforesaid.
Including part of the County of King and part of the County of Murray, in the Settled Districts; part of the County of Harden, in the Lachlan Squatting District, and parts of the Counties of Buccleuch and Cowley, in the Murrumbidgee District; bounded on the west by the range dividing the Falls for the Murrrumbidgee from those going to Jeremiah Creek, commencing at the confluence of Jeremiah Creek with that river, and by that range until it joins the range between the Goodradigbee and Tumut (excluding the Jeremiah Creek); thence by that range to the point where the spur branches from it, which terminates on the Goodradigbee, exactly opposite the confluence of Flea Creek; thence by the leading range between Flea Creek and the waters falling into the Goodradigbee, above that creek, until such range joins the dividing range between the Goodradigbee and Cotter, and by that range until it reaches the sources of the Cavan Mountain Creek; thence by the dividing range between the said Cavan Mountain Creek and the Murrumbidgee until the spur range branches, which terminates at the Murrumbidgee about half a mile below Yeumbera House (and which forms the boundary between the Cavan and Yeumbera Runs); thence by the Murrumbidgee upwards to a point due west of One-tree Hill; thence by a direct line to One-tree Hill; then by a range northerly, about 3 miles; thence by a line north-easterly to the confluence of Gundaroo Creek with the Yass River, and by that creek to its source at the foot of the Cullarin Range; on the east by that range to the Crookwell River; on the north by the Crookwell River to its confluence with the Narrawa; thence by a line bearing south-westerly to the Boorawa River, at the confluence of Padman’s Creek; on the west by the Boorawa River upwards to the confluence of Hassal’s Creek, then up Hassal’s Creek to its source (that creek being the b tundary between Grogan’s Sawyer’s Flat and Broughton’s Buiglanie Runs) in the range dividing the Yass and Boorawa Rivers; then by that range to the point where it joins the range dividing the Yass River and Jujiong Creek Falls; then by that range to the the point where the spur branches, which terminates on the Murrumbidgee, at the confluence of the Yass River with it, and thence by that spur and the Murrumbidgee downwards to the confluence of Jeremiah Creek aforesaid.
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