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South Australian Royal Society members 1883-86

870+ records

Members of the SA branch of the Royal Society including members of the Field Naturalists Section. Read more
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Victoria Post Office Directory 1869

86,600+ records

People living in Victoria in the year 1869. This directory was prepared annually by Bailliere's. Read more
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Tasmania Post Office Directory 1890-91

21,800+ records

People living in Tasmania in the year 1890-91. This directory was prepared annually by H Wise & Co. Read more
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Assisted Immigrants from the United Kingdom to Victoria 1858-1871

35,000+ records

Covering the decade 1858-71, this list details UK immigrants to Victorian ports using susidised passage. Read more
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Assisted Immigrants from the United Kingdom to Victoria 1854-1857

50,800+ records

Covering the decade 1854-57, this list details UK immigrants to Victorian ports using susidised passage. Read more
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Assisted Immigrants from the United Kingdom to Victoria 1850-1853

47,700+ records

Covering the decade 1850-53, this list details UK immigrants to Victorian ports using susidised passage. Read more
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Assisted Immigrants from the United Kingdom to Victoria 1839-1849

39,600+ records

Covering the decade 1839-49, this list details UK immigrants to Victorian ports using susidised passage. Read more
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Headlines in Queensland 1860 to 1904

What made headline news in Queensland? Follows is a list of the notable events in Queensland in the second half of the 1800s. Read more
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Aboriginal War Census 1915-16

6,500+ records

This record sets contains details for indigenous living in Queensland and the Torres Strait Islands in the age bracket (18 to 45). Read more
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Towns in Western Australia – late 1800s

Where did your ancestors live in the late 1800s? Follows is a list and brief description of the townships in Western Australia as described in 1877. Read more
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