Headlines in Queensland 1860 to 1904

What made headline news in Queensland? Follows is a list of the notable events in Queensland in the second half of the 1800s.

Pre 1860s

  • October 18 1845 – The brig Eliza Kincaird laid on at Brisbane to take the first cargo of colonial produce to London, direct from Moreton Bay.
  • July 1846 – Moreton Bay Courier first issued in Brisbane.
  • March 11 1847 – Sovereign, steamer, wrecked in Moreton Bay.
  • May 15 1847 – First vessel built in Moreton Bay – the schooner Selina, launched from Petrie’s Bight. She sailed with a cargo of timber for Sydney and was never afterwards heard of.
  • January 21 1849 – Ship Fortitude arrived in Moreton Bay
  • May 12 1850 – Last convict ship arrived in Moreton Bay
  • January 8 1851 – First meeting held in Brisbane to agitate for separation from New South Wales.
  • February 16 1851 – First wool ship left Moreton Bay for London
  • December 3 1853 – Mr T Dowse and two sons, the first persons to settle at Sandgate, attacked by a tribe of coast blacks, but succeeded in repulsing them after being seriously wounded.
  • January 29 1854 – First shipment of cotton from Brisbane to London
  • December 10 1859 – Sir George Ferguson Bowen, first Governor, landed in Brisbane


  • May 23 1860 – First Queensland Parliament met
  • April 10 1861 – First telegraphic message sent to Queensland.
  • October 21 1861 – First Queensland Exhibition opened
  • January 23 1862 – First exhibition of the Queensland Horticultural and Agricultural Society held in the Botanic Gardens.
  • January 24 1862 – Foundation stone of Toowoomba Town Hall laid by Hon R G W Herbert.
  • April 26 1862 – Government House first occupied by Sir G F Bowen and family.
  • June 22 1862 – Mr Lilley met his constituents on the Militia Bill in the Foresters’ Hall, when the floor fell in. An adjournment was made to the street when he could not get a hearing.
  • July 11 1862 – First exhibition of stock of the Royal Agricultural Society of Queensland at Toowoomba.
  • July 13 1862 – First iron casting in Queensland made by Mr Alex Cameron in Queen Street.
  • August 14 1862 – A branch of the Acclimatization Society of Great Britain established in Brisbane
  • February 25 1864 – Sod of the first Queensland railway turned.
  • April 11 1864 – Great fire in Brisbane
  • July 31 1865 – First railway in Queensland opened
  • September 11 1866 – Riotous disturbances in Brisbane
  • January 4 1868 – Sir G F Bowen left Brisbane.
  • August 14 1868 – Colonel S W Blackall, second Governor, arrived in Brisbane


  • January 2 – Colonel S W Blackall died, he was buried in Toowong Cemetery.


  • January 2 – Good Templarism inaugurated in Queensland.
  • February 20 – Mr Andrew Petrie, one of the oldest free residents in Brisbane, died.
  • February 22 – Tin ore discovered in the Maryland run on the borders of New South Wales.
  • March 11 – Bundaberg first visited by a sea-going steamer, the Lady Bowen.
  • March 26 – The Louisa, first iron steamboat built in the colony by Messrs Smellie and Co, launched.
  • April 29 – Foundation stone of Kangaroo Point Church of England laid by the Governor, the Marquis of Normanby.
  • May 31 – The Young Australia wrecked on the northern part of Moreton Island.
  • July 10 – Mr Lilley introduced a bill for the payment of members of the Legislative Assembly.
  • July 27 – Fire at Mr F Murray, cabinet maker, Mary Street.
  • August 31 – Great rush to alluvial diggings at Charters Towers.
  • September 10 – Government announced their intention of assuming the management of the Brisbane Hospital.
  • October 1 – The Telegraph, daily newspaper, first issued.
  • October 21 – Telegraphic communication direct with Europe established, the first message from Europe published in the Telegraph on the 23rd.
  • October 28 – New Post Office in Queen Street completed.
  • November 23 – The Pacific, first vessel with cargo direct from New York, arrived.
  • November 25 – The Queensland National Bank purchased the School of Arts block of buildings in Queen Street for £7,700.
  • December 12 – First whale captured in Queensland, at Sandgate, 33 feet long.
  • December 18 – First concert of Brisbane Musical Union, “The Lay of the Bell” being performed.


  • January 16 – School of Arts building in Queen Street sold to the Queensland National Bank.
  • January 30 – The first sod of the Brisbane and Ipswich railway turned by the Governor.
  • September 1 – Six red deer presented by the Queen liberated at Cressbrook.


  • January 1 – SS Great Britain arrived with immigrants.
  • February 28 – Bishop Tuffnell left the colony.
  • May 17 – St Stephen’s Cathedral formally opened by Archbishop Vaughan.
  • June 15 – The Victoria Bridge, Brisbane, opened by the Governor, a great demonstration.
  • August 10 – First sitting of the Metropolitan District Court in Brisbane, under Mr Judge Paul.
  • October 18 – Pettigrew’s saw mills, Brisbane, totally destroyed by fire.
  • November 12 – Marquis of Normanby left Queensland.
  • December 12 – SS Normanby, first of the Torres Straits RMS line of steamers, reached Brisbane.
  • December 17 – Rockhampton lighted with gas for the first time.


  • January 23 – His Excellency Governor Cairns arrived in Brisbane and took the oath.


  • January 1 – First issue of the Week at the Telegraph Office, Brisbane.
  • January 13 – Messrs Overend’s tender for South Brisbane graving dock, £61,968 accepted.
  • April 5 – Cooktown proclaimed a municipality.
  • May 12 – Hon S W Griffith appointed QC.
  • June 6 – First sod of Southern and Western Railway turned at Dalby by Governor Cairns.
  • June 9 – New police court buildings opened at Brisbane.
  • August 22 – Opening of the Exhibition of the National Agricultural and Industrial Association at Bowen Park by Governor Cairns, £797 15s taken for admission. On the 27th (Sunday) it was opened to the public. It closed on the 28th, total receipts, £1,550.
  • September 24 – Primitive Methodist new church opened in Fortitude Valley.


  • January 6 – First weekly steamer between Brisbane and Cooktown commenced, calling at intervening ports.
  • February 1 – New Grammar School opened at Toowoomba.
  • March 14 – Governor Cairns left Queensland.
  • March 15 – Archbishop Folding, of Sydney, died.
  • March 19 – Mr Pinnock took his seat as PM of Brisbane.
  • April 10 – Sir Arthur E Kennedy landed at Petrie’s Bight, Brisbane.
  • May 16 – First number of Queensland Hansard published.
  • July 14 – SS Yarra Yarra foundered at Newcastle.
  • July 21 – Trinity Church, Fortitude Valley, opened.
  • October 16 – First woollen factory opened at Ipswich.
  • November 9 – First public excursion to the Bay by a sea-going steamer.
  • November 29 – Commercial Rowing Club formed at Brisbane.
  • December 28 – Very severe hailstorm at Brisbane, doing considerable damage.
  • December 31 – The bells at St John’s Church, Brisbane, rung for the first time.


  • May 17 – School of Arts, Brisbane, removed to new building in Ann Street.
  • June 27 – Sir J Cockle and family left Brisbane.
  • August 14 – Ipswich lighted with gas for the first time.


  • February 13 – Ipswich Waterworks formally opened by Sir A E Kennedy.
  • March 10 – New Law Courts at Brisbane used for the first time.
  • March 23 – Sir Maurice O’Connell, president of the Legislative Council, died.
  • June 26 – Hon Charles Lilley appointed Chief Justice.
  • August 3 – Maryborough first lighted with gas.


  • February 3 – First cargo of frozen meat reached London by the Stratldeven.
  • March 2 – Oddfellows’ Hall, Wickham Street, opened.
  • June 1 – First municipal election for Sandgate.
  • June 12 – Mr Justice Lutwyche died.
  • June 25 – First municipal ball in Brisbane.
  • September 16 – Railway opened to Roma by the Hon J P Bell, Acting Governor.
  • September 26 – Foundation stone of St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Fortitude Valley laid by Bishop O’Quinn, it was opened December 10, 1882.
  • October 1 – Materials of old Supreme Court, Museum, and Detective Office, Queen Street, Brisbane, sold by auction.
  • October 14 – New Foresters’ Hall, Brunswick Street, Valley, opened, Chief Justice Lilley in the chair.
  • November 1 – Postal cards first issued in Queensland.
  • November 28 – Mrs G Raff, of Brisbane, died suddenly.


  • January 2 – Foundation stone of All Hallows Convent laid by Bishop O’Quinn.
  • February 28 – Mr Walter Hill retired from the curatorship of the Botanical Gardens.
  • April 5 – Mr G Bashford’s tender for the Sandgate railway accepted for the sum of £38,634 3s sd.
  • May 10 – First sod of the Sandgate railway turned by Hon A H Palmer.
  • May 24 – Hon A H Palmer and Chief Justice Lilley received the honour of knighthood.
  • June 20 – Hon S W Griffith returned from England, he was accorded a torchlight procession by the largest assemblage ever collected in Queensland.
  • July 10 – Rev J Love, Fortitude Valley Church of England, died suddenly.
  • August 4 – The first locomotive engine in the Mackay district started at Mr John Spiller’s River Estate sugar factory.
  • August 9 – First exhibition of the Queensland Poultry and Dog Society held.
  • August 16 – Arrival of HRH Prince Albert Victor of Wales and HRH Prince George of Wales, amidst great enthusiasm.
  • August 18 – Dr O’Quinn, first Roman Catholic Bishop of Brisbane, died, he was buried in St Stephen’s Cathedral on the 19th.
  • August 20 – Departure of the squadron with the Princes on board.
  • November 12 – Foundation stone of the Protestant Hall, Ann Street, Brisbane, laid by Bishop Hale.
  • December 20 – Sir J P Bell died from apoplexy in a hansom cab in Queen Street, Brisbane.


  • March 19 – Rev Dr Dunne, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Brisbane, arrived.
  • May 10 – The Sandgate Railway formally opened by Governor Kennedy.
  • May 21 – Dr Cani consecrated first Roman Catholic Bishop of Rockhampton in St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney. He was installed on June 11.
  • June 18 – Dr Dunne installed as RC Bishop of Brisbane by Archbishop Vaughan
  • August 3 – Mr Petrie’s property at the corner of Queen and Wharf Streets sold to Mr W Perry for £40,000.
  • September 4 – Brisbane Courier first issued as a daily eight-paged paper.


  • January 31 – Mr J E Hinton appointed superintendent of the Brisbane Fire Brigade.
  • February 19 – Townsville gas works lighted for the first time, formally opened the next day.
  • February 23 – Hon G Edmondstone, MLC, died.
  • May 2 – Governor Kennedy departed for England. He died at Aden on his journey on June 3.
  • June 20 – Mr Henry Jordan resigned his position of Registrar-General. Mr W T Blakeney appointed as his successor.
  • July 28 – Sir A H Palmer, Acting Governor, opened the Brisbane Exchange.
  • July 31 – The first organ recital in Brisbane given in the Creek Street Presbyterian Church.
  • August 15 – The first Intercolonial Football Match at Eagle Farm Racecourse between Queensland and New South Wales, score, Q 12, NSW 11.
  • September 8 – First annual sports of the Brisbane Bicycling Club at Toowong.
  • September 22 – The first steam ferry boat for use on the Brisbane River, launched from Sutton and Co’s yards, Kangaroo Point.
  • November 6 – Sir Anthony Musgrave, Governor, arrived in Brisbane.
  • December 20 – First sod of the Mackay Railway turned by the Governor.


  • January 14 – “Liquid mud” selling at Muttaburra for 6s 6d per cask, pure water unattainable.
  • January 23 – Steam ferry punt, the Transit, began plying between North Brisbane and Kangaroo Point.
  • February 17 – A whip-snake, three feet long, killed at Parliament House by the caretaker.
  • February 26 – Large octopus caught at Sandgate, longest feelers measuring thirty inches.
  • February 27 – Railway opened to Clermont.
  • April 2 – Electric light at the Brisbane Railway Station adopted.
  • May 3 – Daily Observer issued as an eight-paged paper, the first one in Queensland at a penny a copy.
  • May 15 – Victoria Bridge, Brisbane, formally handed over to the Municipal Council.
  • May 20 – First cargo of frozen meat from the Queensport works for London on board the Dorunda.
  • June 2 – South Brisbane and Killarney branch railways opened.
  • June 27 – Hon W Thornton, late Collector of Customs, died.
  • July 16 – Queensland torpedo boat, the Mosquito, launched.
  • September 24 – First Liedertafel Concert given in the Albert Hall, Brisbane, under the conductorship of the Rev C E Spicer.
  • October 20 – Plans of the new Town Hall, Brisbane, adopted, estimated cost, £71,306.
  • November 5 – First pile of new Municipal Wharves, South Brisbane, driven by Lady Musgrave.


  • January 16 – Construction of tramway commenced in Queen Street, Brisbane, the first spike was driven by Mayor McMaster on the 20th.
  • March 2 – First men of Permanent Artillery sworn in at Brisbane.
  • March 8 – All Saints Church, Brisbane, consecrated.
  • March 26 – Judge Pring, first Attorney-General of Queensland, died, aged 60.
  • March 27 – Bishop Hale left Brisbane.
  • April 23 – The tender of Mr C W Midson to build the new Courier buildings accepted, price £39,429.
  • May 7 – Government steam yacht Lucinda arrived in Brisbane.
  • July 10 – Creek Street Presbyterian Church site sold to the Queensland National Bank for £18,750.
  • July 15 – Two allotments, 45 and 46, fronting Queen Street, Brisbane, sold for £43,000.
  • August 12 – Brisbane tramway opened for general traffic.
  • August 21 – Corner stone of new Masonic Hall, Alice Street, Brisbane, laid.
  • October 9 – First direct shipment of sugar from Queensland to London, 9.5 tons sent from Pioneer Plantation per Merkara.
  • October 24 – Tender of Messrs O’Keefe and Cusack to build the new Opera House, Queen Street, Brisbane, for £18,500 accepted.
  • November 10 – Pioneer vessel of direct line of steamers from India to Australia the Rajpootana, arrived in Brisbane.
  • November 16 – Bishop Webber arrived in Brisbane, he was installed the next day.
  • December 2 – Sir P Scratchley died on board the SS Governor Blackall between Cooktown and Townsville, he was buried at St Kilda Cemetery, Melbourne, on the 16th.


  • April 16 – Mr F Beattie, MLA for Fortitude Valley, died suddenly.
  • April 19 – The Governor, Sir A Musgrave, left for England.
  • May 10 – First sod of Cairns Railway turned by Hon S W Griffith.
  • September 18 – Sculling match for Championship of the World won by Beach beating Gaudaur by three lengths.
  • November 10 – New Masonic Hall, Brisbane, consecrated.
  • December 7 – SS Keilawarra sunk in a collision with steamer Helen Nichol off coast of New South Wales.


  • January 12 – New Brisbane Chamber of Commerce formed, and Mr W S Smith elected president.
  • February 14 – Railway to Wallangarra, on the border of New South Wales and Queensland, opened.
  • February 18 – Foundation stone of Brisbane Grammar School laid.
  • March 12 – The dredge Hydra, built by Messrs Evans, Anderson, Phelan and Co, of Brisbane, launched.
  • June 17 – SS Wentworth ran on rock near Bowen and wrecked.
  • August 10 – Warwick railway station totally destroyed by fire.
  • September 1 – Foundation stone of Captain Cook’s monument laid at Cooktown.
  • December 4 – Dr Dunne, RC Bishop of Brisbane, invested as Archbishop by Cardinal Moran.


  • January 6 – South Brisbane made into a separate borough.
  • January 17 – Start of first through trains between Sydney and Brisbane.
  • March 9 – New bridge over Breakfast Creek commenced.
  • April 2 – Opera House opened in presence of Marquis of Normanby and Governor Musgrave.
  • May 5 – Polling, for North Brisbane: Sir T Mcllwraith 1761, Sir S W Griffith 1127, W Brookes 1009.
  • June 13 – Exhibition Building, Brisbane, burned.
  • June 14 – First sod of Bowen railway turned.
  • July 16 – South Brisbane Police Court opened.
  • August 20 – Foresters’ Hall, Fortitude Valley, opened.
  • September 18 – D L Brown’s stores, Brisbane, destroyed by fire.
  • October 9 – Governor Sir A Musgrave died unexpectedly. He was buried on the 10th at Toowong Cemetery.
  • December 5 – Aquatic Carnival at Brisbane. Matterson 1, Stansbury 2, McCleer 3. On the 7th, Beach 1, Matterson and Searle disqualified first heat, the second heat won by Kemp, third heat won by Searle.
  • December 11 – Aquatic Carnival, first prize £500, won by Searle, Kemp second, Matterson third.
  • December 15 – McGarrigal, of Queensland, won the £800 handicap footrace in Sydney.


  • January 1 – New system of postal cards between Queensland and Great Britain came into operation.
  • January 9 – Pole, Outridge and Co’s printing office destroyed by fire, including type and copy for Pugh’s Almanac.
  • April 4 – Great strike in the printing trade at Brisbane, on May 7 strike ended, the men giving in.
  • May 1 – His Excellency Sir H W Norman welcomed to Brisbane and sworn in as Governor.
  • August 7 – Formal opening of the Queensport Aquarium.
  • August 31 – Inaugural sports at Breakfast Creek Sports Grounds.
  • October 13 – Magdalen Asylum opened at Lutwyche by the Governor.
  • November 7 – Opening of the Cleveland Railway. The suspension of stonewalling in the Legislative Assembly on a vote of £1,000,000 for unspecified railways, after lasting 151 hours, the last 96 being continuous.
  • November 30 – The site of the Globe Hotel, Queen Street, purchased by the Telegraph Newspaper Co, for £42,000.
  • December 25 – New Lady Bowen Hospital, Wickham Terrace, opened.


  • January 6 – Discovery of rich gold-bearing stone at Mount Morgan.
  • February 28 – RMS Quetta wrecked in Torres Straits, 123 lives lost.
  • June 30 – Deaths announced of Mr Justice Mein and Mr Henry Jordan, MLA.
  • July 18 – Mr Real sworn in as a judge of the Supreme Court Brisbane.
  • August 18 – Maritime strike.
  • August 26 – Largest meeting of employers ever held in Brisbane, when resolutions for federation of masters were accepted.
  • October 28 – Labour strike ended in Brisbane.
  • November 1 – Valley Railway opened.
  • December 8 – Dr W Hobbs, one of the oldest residents of Brisbane, died.


  • January – Great shearers’ strike commenced.
  • March 30 – Hon J M Macrossan, one of the Queensland delegates to the Federal Convention, died in Sydney, aged 59, he was buried at Nudgee on April 3.
  • April 4 – Sir C Lilley laid foundation stone of the Trades and Labour Hall, in Brisbane.
  • April 25 – Foundation stone of new Exhibition Building, at Bowen Park, laid by Sir A H Palmer.
  • May 26 – Hon J Swan, one of the oldest printers in Australia, died, aged 80.
  • June 13 – Collapse of the shearers’ strike through want of funds, during which both military and police were engaged in preserving order, many dastardly acts were committed by the shearers, and several received penal punishment.
  • July 17 – Railway connecting Brisbane and Gympie opened for traffic.
  • August 19 – New Exhibition Buildings and Grounds opened, 32,000 people attended.
  • August 20 – At the Brisbane Exhibition Mr Fenwick’s horse Pasha jumped 6ft 3in.
  • August 27 – The Australian Auxiliary Squadron arrived in Moreton Bay.
  • September 22 – Rev E Griffith, Congregational minister, Brisbane, and father of Sir S W Griffith, died, aged 72.
  • October 2 – General Booth, of the Salvation Army, arrived in Brisbane.
  • October 27 – First wool sales in Brisbane opened.
  • November 28 – Queensland won the Intercolonial Eight-oar race at Melbourne by three lengths.


  • February 8 – The Queensland Deposit Bank stopped payment.
  • February 16 – The Toowoomba Deposit Bank suspended payment.
  • March 8 – Railway arbitration case, Willcocks and Co v Railway Commissioners, commenced in Brisbane, on the 28th the Commissioners awarded the contractors £7,400 and £3,652 costs.
  • October 10 – Commencement of the arbitration case, Robb v Commissioner for Railways, in connection with the Cairns Railway, claim £262,311 9s 2d.
  • December 8 – John Petrie, one of the oldest residents of Brisbane, died aged 71.
  • December 31 – Hon T L Murray-Prior, MLC, Vice-President of the Legislative Council, died, aged 73.


  • February 2 – 107.604 inches of rain fell at Crohamhurst, Blackall Ranges, being the rainfall for 27 days.
  • February 4 – Disastrous floods in the Brisbane River, 8 feet of water in Edward Street at the “Courier” Building.
  • February 5 – Indooroopilly Railway Bridge washed away by the flood.
  • February 6 – The north end of the Victoria Bridge, Brisbane, destroyed by the flood, the water rising 23 feet 9 inches above mean spring rise.
  • February 13 – Second flood in the Brisbane River.
  • February 14 – Barcaldine reports deplorable drought, no rain for eight weeks.
  • February 17 – A third flood in the Brisbane River.
  • March 14 – Sir S W Griffith sworn in as Chief Justice of Queensland.
  • April 21 – The Australian Joint Stock Bank suspended payment.
  • April 25 – The London Chartered Bank suspended payment.
  • April 29 – Election for North Brisbane, McIllwraith 1574, Kingsbury 1481, Lilley 953, Glassey 769.
  • May 1 – The National Bank of Australasia suspended payment.
  • May 15 – The Queensland National Bank, the Bank of North Queensland, and the Permanent Building and Banking Co suspended payment.
  • May 16 – The Commercial Bank of Sydney suspended payment. A run on the Queensland Government Savings Bank.
  • June 12 – Flood in Brisbane River, height 14ft 10in above low water. Two thousand sheep were drowned at Jimbour.
  • June 15 – The Robb arbitration award lifted, the arbitrators awarding the claimant £20,807 instead of £269,000 claimed.
  • June 19 – Commercial Banking Co of Sydney and Australian Joint Stock Bank re-opened.
  • August 23 – The English, Scottish and Australian Bank resumed business in Brisbane.
  • September 7 – The temporary Victoria Bridge opened for traffic, a toll being collected.
  • October 2 – The total receipts for the flood relief amounted to £83,015.


  • March 13 – The main door of Cape Moreton lighthouse broken in by a strong gale of wind.
  • March 28 – Lowest tender accepted of Mr J McCormack for £109,932 for new Victoria Bridge.
  • April 22 – Biggest floods ever known by white men at the Diamantina.
  • May 31 – Posting letters on tramcars in Brisbane first introduced.
  • September 3 – Barque “Cambuswallace” wrecked on Stradbroke Island, six drowned.


  • January 1 – Sir S W Griffith, CJ, created GCMG.
  • January 4 – Alfred Shaw and Co, Ltd, suspended payment, liabilities about £100,000.
  • January 14 – Sir T McIlwraith left for England.
  • March 29 – The Queensland National Art Gallery opened at Brisbane by the Governor.
  • April 1 – The first linotype composing machine in Queensland used at the “Courier” Office, Brisbane.
  • April 8 – Heavy floods in North Queensland, the Daintree River rose 8ft higher than ever before known.
  • May 11 – Lady Norman left for England.
  • July 19 – The new railway bridge at Indooroopilly opened for traffic, through traffic to Sydney being restored since February, 1893.
  • September 1 – The remains of the late Mr Justice Harding accorded a public funeral.
  • October 30 – First shipment direct to Manchester left Brisbane per ss “Gulf of Siam”.
  • November 14 – His Excellency Sir H W Norman left for Melbourne en route for England.
  • December 20 – Mr Virgil Power sworn in as a judge of the Supreme Court for Rockhampton.


  • January 3 – Fearful hurricane at St George.
  • January 9 – Excessive heat at Cunnamulla, both by day and night.
  • January 11 – The City Police Band gave their first public performance.
  • January 18 – The jubilee of the foundation of the German Empire celebrated in Brisbane.
  • January 28 – A dam burst at Ravenswood Junction.
  • January 29 – The Victoria Hospital, Barcaldine, destroyed by fire.
  • January 31 – Mr D T Seymour, late Commissioner of Police, presented with a testimonial by the Queensland Police Force.
  • February 1 – Heavy floods at Clermont.
  • February 2 – New Lutheran Church opened at Meringandan.
  • February 6 – Heavy floods at Rockhampton.
  • February 13 – The ferry steamer “Pearl” capsised in the Brisbane River – many lives lost.
  • February 22 – The Privy Council dismissed the appeal in the action. Brisbane Municipal Council v Clark and Fauset.
  • March 3 – Great flood at Georgetown.
  • March 7 – First issue of the Queensland “War Cry” printed and published in Brisbane.
  • March 11 – A plague of caterpillars in the Clermont district.
  • March 28 – Rioting at Eidsvold on the declaration of the poll at the Parliamentary elections.
  • April 8 – The Melbourne Cricket Club team welcomed to Brisbane.
  • April 9 – Lord and Lady Lamington arrived in Brisbane.
  • April 13 – The Premier of New South Wales and party visited Brisbane.
  • April 21 – A shark, 9ft long, caught in Ross Creek, Townsville.
  • April 29 – Lady Lamington held her first reception.
  • May 6 – New Anglican Church at Hamilton dedicated by Bishop Webber.
  • May 9 – Fancy Costume Football Match at Exhibition.
  • May 31 – The Cordalba Branch Railway, Isis Scrub, opened.
  • June 1 – Lord Lamington visited Rockhampton.
  • June 15 – First Session of the Twelfth Parliament opened by commission.
  • July 1 – A fancy dress parade of cyclists at Mackay.
  • July 13 – Destructive fire at Townsville.
  • July 16 – A wheel tax imposed by the Tambourine Divisional Board.
  • August 6 – First electric tramcar landed in Brisbane.
  • August 10 – Disastrous fire at Herberton.
  • August 20 – Consecration of a new Masonic Lodge (The Jubilee) at New Farm.
  • August 27 – The Rev John MacNeil, evangelist, dropped dead in George Street, Brisbane.
  • September 1 – Shock of earthquake at Georgetown.
  • September 8 – The north-west channel in Moreton Bay was lighted for the first time.
  • September 14 – Memorial stone of Nurses’ Home, Brisbane, laid by Lady Lamington.
  • October 8 – The Bulgroo woolshed, with 120 bales of wool, destroyed by fire.
  • October 9 – A female Court of Foresters opened in Brisbane.
  • October 18 – A Memorial Service for the late Archbishop of Canterbury (Dr Benson), was held in St John’s Cathedral.
  • November 5 – A golf club formed in Brisbane.
  • November 6 – Heavy hailstorm at Roma.
  • November 16 – Typhoid fever prevalent at Hughenden.
  • December 1 – Commandant Booth, Salvation Army, first visited Brisbane.
  • December 7 – The Hon G H Reid, Premier of New South Wales, visited Brisbane.
  • December 18 – The Pialba Railway opened.
  • December 21 – A heavy storm at Croydon.
  • December 23 – An anonymous donation of £100 received by the Secretary of the Brisbane Hospital.
  • December 26 – Destructive fire at Bundaberg.
  • December 29 – The Gympie railway station broken into.


  • January 2 – Ross, a well-known athlete, killed at Charters Towers.
  • January 3 – A remarkable solar halo observed in Brisbane. Great fire at Mount Morgan.
  • January 14 – Two goods trains collided at Goodna.
  • January 17 – The Primate of New Zealand (Dr Cowie) visited Brisbane.
  • January 18 – Toowoomba millers offer 4s 6d per bushel for wheat.
  • January 24 – Excessive heat at Charters Towers, 100 deg at 10 pm.
  • January 25 – Cyclonic hailstorm at Bundaberg.
  • January 29 – Electric light installed at Charters Towers.
  • February 1 – The State school at Goondiwindi temporarily closed through diphtheria.
  • February 5 – Maryborough clergy protest against Sunday trains.
  • February 22 – Dengue fever prevalent at Cooktown.
  • February 27 – Artesian water struck at Bimerah at a depth of 4,130 ft.
  • March 3 – Queensland Wesleyan Conference opened.
  • March 8 – Grasshopper plague in the vicinity of Cairns and Georgetown.
  • March 10 – A new find of gold near Clermont.
  • March 13 – The foundation stone of St John’s Institute laid by His Excellency Lord Lamington.
  • March 20 – A cane growers’ association formed at Bundaberg.
  • April 3 – Commercial travellers Association, Brisbane, gave a farewell to Mr J D Russell.
  • April 3 – An important discovery of gold at Dead Horse Lead, Clermont.
  • April 22 – First consignment of goods passed over the South Brisbane Wharf Railway.
  • April 19 – Opening of Neglected Girls’ Home at Riverview, near Ipswich.
  • April 29 – Destructive fire at College Hill, South Brisbane.
  • May 1 – Mr Thomas Glassey, MLA, banqueted at Clermont.
  • May 4 – “Redwater” very destructive at Bowen.
  • May 5 – Disastrous fire at Warwick.
  • May 7 – Laying of foundation stone of new Roman Catholic school at Red Hill, Brisbane.
  • May 30 – Temple’s Hotel, Croydon, destroyed by fire.
  • June 5 – Logan Village Bridge formally opened by Mr E J Stevens.
  • June 8 – Fire at Mackay.
  • June 11 – Farmers’ Conference held at Gatton Agricultural College.
  • June 21 – First electric tram ran from Logan road to south end of Victoria Bridge. Memorial stone of South Brisbane School of Arts laid by Governor Lamington.
  • June 27 – Rev G D Buchanan preached his farewell sermon in Brisbane.
  • July 3 – Electric trams commenced running in Queen Street.
  • July 6 – An important discovery of copper at Auburn River, 30 miles from Eidsvold.
  • July 7 – Telegraphic rates between Queensland and Great Britain reduced to 5s 1d per word.
  • July 15 – First show of the Queensland Kennel Club opened.
  • July 28 – A Kanakas’ home opened in Brisbane.
  • August 4 – The Mayor of Bundaberg presented with an address from 2,500 State school children.
  • August 16 – Fortitude Valley Electoral Cricket Club formed.
  • August 18 – Mr Ben Tillett, the English labour leader, arrived in Brisbane.
  • August 25 – Destructive fire at Charleville.
  • September 3 – Victoria Hotel, Mackay, burnt down.
  • September 7 – A successful ploughing match held at Gatton.
  • September 8 – Mirani Bridge, near Mackay, opened and tested.
  • September 15 – A new scale of survey fees issued by the Lands Department.
  • September 18 – The Proserpine Central Mill opened.
  • September 25 – Severe hailstorm at Maryborough.
  • October 2 – The first mail train arrived at Gladstone from Brisbane.
  • October 9 – Sixty acres of sugar cane were burned at Hambledon Plantation.
  • October 17 – A 50 oz nugget found on Clermont Goldfield.
  • October 22 – Mount Morgan Railway commenced.
  • October 29 – Collapse of gallery in Charters Towers Town Hall, many persons injured.
  • November 1 – A severe storm, with unprecedented hail, passed over Brisbane.
  • November 16 – Large fire at Charleville.
  • November 30 – New premises of the Outridge Printing Co, Ltd, opened in Queen Street.
  • December 12 – Terrible explosion at Mills’ United Mine, Charters Towers.
  • December 13 – Toowoomba Telephone Exchange opened.
  • December 20 – The small steamer “Mystery” capsized on the bar at Southport.
  • December 28 – An unusually violent storm passed over Brisbane.


  • January 8 – A complimentary regatta tendered to Mr T Finney, MLA.
  • January 12 – Maize selling at Charters Towers at 8s a bushel.
  • January 13 – Hon T J Byrnes returned to Brisbane from a visit to England.
  • February 1 – Foundation stone of quarters for City Ambulance Brigade laid by Sir Horace Tozer.
  • February 4 – Severe cyclone at Mackay, doing extensive damage.
  • February 9 – Warwick Show opened by the Hon T J Byrnes.
  • February 20 – The AUSN Company’s new steamer “Paroo” arrived in Moreton Bay from London.
  • March 7 – Rev D McSwaine tendered his resignation as minister of St Paul’s Presbyterian Church.
  • March 2 – Opening of the first Queensland United Methodist Conference.
  • March 12 – Farewell picnic to Sir Horace Tozer by the citizens of Brisbane.
  • March 31 – The town of Thargomindah lit with the electric light.
  • April 4 – A meeting of Brisbane citizens held to arrange for the retention of the Exhibition organ.
  • April 9 – Rifle range opened at Middle Ridge by Sir Hugh Nelson, who fired the first shot.
  • April 13 – The Hon T J Byrnes gazetted as Chief Secretary and Attorney-General.
  • April 20 – Madame Albani arrived in Brisbane.
  • May 8 – Highest tide ever known at Sandgate.
  • May 12 – Rev J S Hassall, Sherwood, celebrated the jubilee of his ordination.
  • May 21 – Ticks discovered at Redbank, near Ipswich.
  • May 25 – Mr Thomas Glassey received a testimonial from warders and matrons of the hospitals for the insane.
  • June 6 – Mr Charles Cartwright and his London Company opened at the Opera House, Brisbane, in “The Middleman”.
  • June 9 – The Endeavour Meat Export Works, Burketown, destroyed by fire.
  • June 21 – School of Arts, Toowoomba, burned down.
  • July 1 – A cattle train derailed on the North Coast line.
  • July 7 – Ticks discovered at Esk.
  • July 15 – The flagship “Royal Arthur” arrived in Moreton Bay.
  • July 20 – The steamship “Wendouree” wrecked near Newcastle.
  • July 23 – Heavy fall of snow at Toowoomba.
  • August 7 – Memorial service in Centennial Hall for late Prince Bismarck.
  • August 12 – Fatal boiler explosion at Ashford Mill, Bundaberg, two men killed.
  • August 18 – Great fire at Croydon, damages, £10,500.
  • August 29 – Boiler explosion at railway goods shed, Roma street.
  • September 9 – Terrible tragedy at Judge street, Petrie terrace.
  • September 16 – Central Downs Butter Factory, Allora, destroyed by fire.
  • September 29 – Public funeral to late Hon T J Byrnes.
  • October 10 – “Redwater” very prevalent at Hughenden.
  • October 18 – Disastrous fire at Longreach.
  • October 17 – Drought in the Roma district, serious damage to wheat crop.
  • October 21 – School of Arts, Charleville, burned down.
  • October 29 – Wool sales successfully inaugurated in Brisbane.
  • November 11 – Typhoid fever and measles very prevalent at Warwick.
  • November 17 – Opening of Children’s Hospital, Charters Towers.
  • December 2 – Boiler explosion at Roma Street Railway Station, locomotive completely wrecked.
  • December 7 – The Brodribb Home,’ Toowoomba, opened.
  • December 10 – The first Druids’ oak planted in Petrie’s Bight.
  • December 19 – Terrible cyclone at Emu Park, Rockhampton.
  • December 26 – Horrible murder near Gatton, the victims being three members of a family named Murphy.


  • January 9 – First ballot of the No 3 Queensland Bowkett Building Society taken.
  • January 10 – A case of true cattle tick discovered at Marburg.
  • January 11 – A sensational find of opals at Opalton.
  • January 20 – Fiftieth anniversary of the arrival of the “Fortitude” in Moreton Bay.
  • January 24 – Tara woolshed burned down.
  • February 3 – Medcraf’s biscuit factory, Rockhampton, destroyed by fire.
  • February 4 – Enoggera Branch Railway opened.
  • February 8 – Railway dam at Gladstone washed away.
  • February 18 – Outbreak of scarlet fever at Agricultural College, Gatton.
  • February 22 – Terrible storm at Mitchell.
  • March 1 – New post office at Toowong opened.
  • March 5 – Terrible hurricane, Bathurst Bay, North Queensland, pearling fleet destroyed, 300 lives lost.
  • April 12 – Cyclone at Barcaldine Downs, doing great damage.
  • April 20 – New Masonic Hall, Thursday Island, opened.
  • April 29 – New Technical College, Brisbane, opened.
  • May 1 – Jubilee picnic of Dr Lang’s immigrants and their descendants.
  • May 8 – Destructive fire at Dalby, School of Arts burned down.
  • May 12 – Monster meeting at Exhibition Building, Bowen Park, in support of Federation.
  • May 22 – Military encampment at Lytton.
  • May 23 – First railway train arrived at Winton.
  • May 27 – The “Isis Standard” printing office, Childers, burned down.
  • June 4 – New Roman Catholic Church at Caboolture opened and blessed.
  • June 7 – Disastrous fire at Thursday Island.
  • June 18 – Town Hall, Dalby, burned down.
  • July 6 – New post and telegraph office, Boonah, opened.
  • July 9 – Heavy fall of snow at Cunnamulla.
  • July 16 – Commandant Booth, Salvation Army, conducted services in Centennial Hall.
  • July 25 – The Ministerial party banqueted at Winton.
  • August 13 – Exhibition festival services held in the Albert Street Wesleyan Church.
  • August 15 – First female lodge opened in Queensland in connection with the GUOO.


  • January 1 – The pioneers of Cairns celebrated the opening of the port by a banquet.
  • January 3 – Parliamentary visit to Agricultural College, Gatton. Flour sent by parcel post from Hughenden to Boulia.
  • January 13 – The Second Queensland Contingent left Brisbane for South Africa.
  • January 20 – A successful agricultural show held at Zillmere.
  • January 28 – The new Roman Catholic convent at Ipswich officially opened.
  • January 31 – Marwick Show opened by His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor.
  • February 3 – Destructive hurricane at Birdsville.
  • February 6 – East Ward election, Mr James Triphook Nicholls was elected by 901 votes to 368. Destructive fire at Croydon.
  • February 4 – St Paul’s Church, Winton, dedicated.
  • February 11 – Observed as a day of intercession in many of the Brisbane churches on behalf of the war in South Africa.
  • February 15 – Patriotic sports demonstration at Gympie.
  • February 20 – Foundation stone of municipal buildings at Toowoomba laid.
  • March 1 – Departure of the Third Queensland Contingent for South Africa.
  • March 4 – Thanksgiving services in several Brisbane churches in connection with British victories m South Africa.
  • March 12 – Patriotic Carnival in Botanic Gardens, fully 30,000 people present.
  • March 21 – Explosion of tire damp in Torbanlea Colliery, near Maryborough.
  • March 28 – The railway goods-shed and contents, Charleville, destroyed by fire.
  • April 3 – The Government took charge of the Proserpine Central Mill owing to non-payment of either interest or redemption.
  • April 8 – A terrible cyclone broke over Barcaldine.
  • April 11 – A Chamber of Manufactures formed at Maryborough.
  • April 13 – Lieut Colonel Finn, the new Commandant, arrived in Brisbane.
  • April 22 – The new Roman Catholic Church, Clifton, opened.
  • April 27 – The first case of bubonic plague discovered in Brisbane.
  • April 30 – The Railway Commission sat at Bowen.
  • May 3 – Citizens’ Vigilance Committee formed in Brisbane.
  • May 6 – Jubilee celebrations in connection with the Presbyterian Church of Queensland
  • May 9 – Shock of earthquake at Townsville.
  • May 17 – Big fire at Mary street wharf, Brisbane.
  • May 18 – The Fourth Queensland Contingent left for South Africa.
  • June 7 – Return of invalided soldiers to Brisbane from South Africa.
  • June 6 – An unsuccessful attempt was made to wreck the Maryborough-Gympie train.
  • June 17 – St Peter’s Church, Wynnum, re-opened.
  • June 30 – Serious fire at Isisford, doing much damage.
  • July 10 – New Oddfellows’ lodge opened at Oxley.
  • July 14 – Rabbit Pest Conference held at Bowen.
  • July 28 – A meeting of Chinese residents in Brisbane to express indignation with the Boxers.
  • August 1 – Fancy costume football match at Winton in aid of local hospital.
  • August 2 – The first show held at Woombye.
  • August 7 – The steamers “Kingswear” and “Taldora” collided in the Fitzroy River.
  • August 21 – The Ven Archdeacon White was consecrated Anglican Bishop of Carpentaria, North Queensland. The new bridge over the Burnett River opened.
  • August 30 – Colliery strike in West Moreton.
  • September 6 – Mr G A White, a Maryborough citizen, donated £1,000 to the Municipal Council for the erection of public baths.
  • September 9 – The Roman Catholic Church, Gowrie Junction, dedicated.
  • September 19 – Reported discovery of gold at Raglan Scrub, near Gladstone.
  • September 28 – Severe frost on the Darling Downs.
  • October 2 – Egyptian Carnival held in aid of All Saints Church, Brisbane.
  • October 3 – “Stonewalling” in the Legislative Assembly on the Glassford Creek Railway.
  • October 11 – Large fire at Clermont.
  • October 17 – The “Port Denison Times” first appeared as a bi-weekly.
  • October 23 – Patriotic demonstration at Dalby.
  • October 28 – Foundation stone of new Roman Catholic church at Ipswich laid.
  • October 29 – Serious riot in Brisbane, on occasion of a lecture by ex-priest Slattery.
  • October 30 – Rifle club formed at Kilkivan.
  • October 31 – The Lady Lamington Hospital for Women, Brisbane, formally opened.
  • November 2 – Earl Beauchamp arrived in Brisbane.
  • November 7 – Severe hailstorm at Rockhampton.
  • November 17 – Royal George Hotel, Fortitude Valley, struck by lightning.
  • November 23 – Opening of the first section of the Geraldton to Herberton tramline.
  • November 25 – Whirlwind at Augathella, doing considerable damage. Severe drought in the Clermont district.
  • December 3 – Woolshed and contents at Nondah Downs destroyed by fire.
  • December 5 – Commandant Finn visited St George.
  • December 9 – Foundation stone of new Catholic church laid at Mackay.
  • December 15 – Fire at Bank of North Queensland, Queen street, Brisbane.
  • December 18 – Big fire at Winton.
  • December 25 – A man named Burnstead was brutally murdered at Ayr.
  • December 30 – Special Commonwealth services were held in many of the Brisbane churches.


  • January 1 – Inauguration of the Australian Commonwealth.
  • January 8 – Drowning fatality at Southport, two young ladies lost their lives.
  • January 10 – Fire Diddams & Co, Brisbane.
  • January 12 – State funeral accorded the remains of the Late Sir J R Dickson.
  • January 14 – The Right Hon R J Seddon visited Brisbane.
  • January 19 – First official visit to Queensland of a member of the Commonwealth Government, in the person of the Hon C C Kingston.
  • February 7 – Contract for erection of new Lands Office, Brisbane, signed by the contractor.
  • February 16 – Byelection, Bulimba Electorate.
  • March 6 – Fifth Queensland Contingent left for South Africa.
  • March 73 – First shipment of oranges from Bowen.
  • March 16 – His Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane, re-opened.
  • March 24 – Westlands Homestead, Mitchell district, burned down.
  • April 3 – The station buildings at Austral Downs destroyed by flood.
  • April 6 – Church Institute, Toowoomba, burned down.
  • April 13 – Foundation stone of new Albert Hall, Brisbane, laid.
  • April 16 – Commonwealth Flour Mill opened at Pittsworth.
  • April 18 – Disastrous fire at Ravenswood.
  • April 26 – Successful trial of the new dredge Samson.
  • May 20 – The Duke and Duchess of York landed in Brisbane.
  • May 22 – Foundation stone of new Anglican Cathedral, Brisbane, laid by the Duke of York.
  • June 13 – Conference of Local Authorities at Maryborough.
  • June 26 – Lord and Lady Lamington left Queensland.
  • June 25 – Telephone Inquiry Committee sat at Brisbane.
  • June 27 – Diamonds discovered at Marburg.
  • July 1 – Death of Mrs Herbert Hunter, daughter of late Hon W Miles.
  • July 2 – Strike of wharf employees at Brisbane.
  • July 6 – By-elections at Bundaberg and Charters Towers.
  • July 25 – Sensational find of gold at Gympie.
  • July 27 – By-election for Fortitude Valley.
  • July 29 – Heavy fall of snow on Darling Downs.
  • August 4 – Big fire at Ravenswood.
  • August 13 – The Goomburra Estate purchased by the Government.
  • August 14 – Libel case, Ricardo v Evening Observer, commenced, verdict for plaintiff, with £500 damages.
  • September 8 – The Oontoo Hotel, Thargomindah, burned down.
  • September 12 – First annual show of the Queensland Poultry Club.
  • September 19 – The Governor-General of Australia (Lord Hopetoun) arrived in Brisbane.
  • September 28 – The new Albert Hall, Brisbane, opened.
  • October 3 – Tweedsmuir Homestead, Richmond Downs, destroyed by fire.
  • October 20 – New Roman Catholic Church at Mackay dedicated.
  • October 26 – Mr J C Williamson’s Italian Opera Company opened in Brisbane.
  • October 30 – Strike of wharf labourers at Mackay.
  • December 4 – Tattersall’s Hotel, Muttaburra, burned down. Two men killed by a fall of earth on the Gladstone-Rockhampton Railway.
  • December 17 – Mr Bowtell, manager of Clifton Station, and two horses he was driving, were killed by lightning.
  • December 18 – Intense heat in Brisbane, up to 103 deg was recorded, several oases of sunstroke and heat apoplexy reported.
  • December 20 – Great heat at Rockhampton – 108.7 deg recorded. A porter named George Lucas fatally injured at Roma Street Railway Station.
  • December 22 – Burton Brewery, Cunnamulla, destroyed by fire.
  • December 25 – The 10 and 14-footers championship club races (in which Sydney boats competed), were won by Queensland.
  • December 26 – Boating fatality in Moreton Bay, the sailing boat Roxana capsized, and nine lives were lost.


  • January 16 – Mining explosion at Charters Towers, two men killed and two injured.
  • January 26 – Departure from Queensland of Queensland unit of first Commonwealth Contingent.
  • February 12 – Treaty between Great Britain and Japan announced.
  • February 14 – Schooner Prosperity wrecked at Point Lookout, two men drowned.
  • February 18 – Enthusiastic public demonstration at Exhibition Building, Brisbane, approving of the conduct of the war in South Africa.
  • February 21 – Wheat sales by auction inaugurated in Brisbane.
  • Marek 18 – First section of the Pacific cable – Queensland to Norfolk Island – completed.
  • March 24 – Sir Herbert Chermside arrived at Brisbane and was accorded a great reception.
  • March 28 – Great fire at Childers, damage estimated at £20,000.
  • April 1 – The cricket match NSW v Queensland, played at Brisbane, resulted in a draw. Dhalke, a station manager, and Constable Doyle reported to have been shot and the bodies burned by bushrangers in the Mitchell District.
  • April 3 – Brutal murder of a young girl on the Fernberg road, Milton.
  • April 4 – Great fire at Longreach, a whole block destroyed, the loss being estimated at £30,000.
  • April 9 – First sod turned of Warwick to Goondiwindi border railway.
  • April 10 – First message sent between Queensland and Fiji by the Pacific cable.
  • April 30 – Black Wednesday in the Queensland Government service, many prominent officials being retrenched.
  • May 5 – May Day Meeting of the QTC.
  • May 12 – Cobb and Co refuse to continue the carriage of mails to the back blocks of Queensland, mails stopped until the 16th when Cobb and Co again resumed carriage.
  • May 17 – QTC Autumn Meeting.
  • May 26 – The sale of the Gowrie repurchased estate a great success.
  • May 30 – Strong deputation to the Premier, urging relief by way of improved tenure to pastoralists suffering from the effects of the drought.
  • May 31 – Third day QTC Autumn Meeting.
  • June 2 – News received of Peace arrangements in South Africa.
  • June 3 – Prince of Wales’ Birthday observed as a holiday in schools and public offices.
  • June 9 – Return of Sixth Queensland Contingent from South Africa.
  • July 1 – Fire at Ilfracombe, two hotels and three stores destroyed.
  • July 11 – Important mining developments at Charters Towers. Great activity on Stock Exchange.
  • July 17 – Fatal boating accident between Dunwich and Peel Island, two men drowned.
  • July 30 – First advances by the Agricultural Bank approved.
  • August 8 – A company formed in Brisbane for maintaining a regular steamer trade with the Northern Rivers of New South Wales.
  • August 15 – QTC Winter Meeting, first day.
  • August 16 – QTC Winter Meeting, second day. Interstate Tennis Match, Queensland v New South Wales, commenced at Brisbane.
  • August 18 – Heavy hailstorm in Brisbane and suburbs.
  • August 22 – Statue of the late T J Byrnes, at Petrie’s Bight, unveiled by the Governor.
  • August 25 – Terrible tragedy at Nanango, a selector killing his wife and four children, and committing suicide.
  • August 31 – Queensland defeated New South Wales in the interstate football contest at Brisbane.
  • September 3 – Bundaberg Show opened by the Governor.
  • September 6 – Return Interstate Football Match at Brisbane won by New South Wales by 13 points to 8.
  • September 18 – Disastrous bush fires between Brisbane and Gympie, considerable damage to property.
  • September 20 – September Meeting of the QTC.
  • September 27 – Great fire at Thargomindah, damage estimated at £5,000.
  • September 30 – Frozen beef from Brisbane on sale at Warwick, fresh meat being unprocurable.
  • October 8 – lncome Tax Bill adopted in principle by Legislative Council by one vote.
  • October 27-29 – Successful concerts given by Madame Melba in Brisbane.
  • October 31 – Completion of the Pacific cable.
  • November 11 – New South Wales defeated Queensland at cricket by 77 runs.
  • December 12 – Cyclone at Brookville, much damage to property.


  • December 30 – New South Wales defeated Queensland at cricket at Sydney by two wickets.
  • January 10 – Jubilee celebration of first Brisbane immigrants (1853). Mother and three children burnt to death.
  • January 12 – Patrick Kenniff hanged at Brisbane for murder of Doyle and Dahlke.
  • January 18-26 – Good rains in the north and west of Queensland.
  • February 6 – Fatal accident at Gatton, railway stationmaster falling from railway bridge.
  • February 7 – Alderman Corrie re-elected Mayor of Brisbane.
  • February 16 – Disastrous fire at Boonah.
  • March 9 – Terrible cyclone at Townsville and Bowen, much damage to property and 10 lives lost.
  • March 18 – Heavy rain and floods at Camooweal and Urandangie.
  • March 21 – First sod turned by Sir Herbert Chermside of Gladstone to Rockhampton Railway.
  • April 1 – Great fire at Pitts worth. Floods in the Warrego and Maranoa.
  • April 3 – Floods in Northern Queensland.
  • May 27 – Mining accident at Charters Towers, two men killed and several injured. SS Oaklands wrecked off Newcastle, 11 lives lost.
  • May 28 – Grand Hospital Ball, held in Foy & Gibson’s new building, a great success.
  • June 1 – Heavy storm in Brisbane, damage at Sandgate.
  • June 10 – Railway collision near Ipswich, serious damage to rolling stock. Tragedy near Jericho, selector murders his wife.
  • June 30 – Weather Bureau closed. Fatal accident Day Dawn Block mine, Charters Towers.
  • July 1 – Good gold finds at Pratten.
  • July 11 – Interstate football at Sydney, New South Wales beat Queensland 11-6.
  • July 13 – Sweeping condemnation of Brisbane water supply by Sydney expert. Splendid rains in the country.
  • July 15 – Interstate football at Sydney, New South Wales defeat Queensland 11-8. Fatal railway accident near Gowrie Junction.
  • August 15 – Intercolonial football, Australia defeated by New Zealand, 20-3.
  • August 19 – A E Harte resigns secretaryship of the National Association.
  • September 2 – Cyclonic storm in eastern suburbs of Brisbane.
  • September 5 – lnterstate football, New South Wales beat Queensland 11-3.
  • September 9 – Philp Ministy resigned. New South Wales beat Brisbane at football 15-7.
  • September 12 – Interstate football, New South Wales beat Queensland 12-5.
  • September 17 – Morgan Ministry sworn in, Hon A S Cowley elected Speaker. Big storm in Brisbane and splendid rain throughout Queensland.
  • September 22 – Appointment of Federal High Court Judges announced.
  • October 5 – Splendid rains in South and Central districts.
  • October 21 – Mr Justice Cooper appointed CJ of Queensland.
  • October 26 – First sitting of High Court of Australia in Brisbane.
  • October 26 – Terrific hailstorm at Charters Towers.
  • November 13 – Ketch “Sir George” wrecked off Smoky Cape, two men drowned.
  • November 23 – First Federal Parliament dissolved by proclamation.
  • November 24 – First sitting of Federal High Court at Adelaide.
  • November 25 – Brisbane Grammar School Cadets win Empire Cadets’ Rifle Match, beating all the English schools.
  • December 2 – Many dismissals from State Government service announced. 98 deg in shade in Brisbane.
  • December 16 – Second Federal elections took place.
  • December 17 – England wins first test match by 5 wickets.
  • December 18 – First through train to Rockhampton from Brisbane.
  • December 26 – Riot at Bundaberg.
  • December 31 – Heavy rains at Croydon and Geraldton.


  • January 5 – Second test match won by Warner’s team at Melbourne by 185 runs.
  • January 14 -Sir H M Nelson gazetted Lieut Governor of Queensland in succession to Sir S W Griffith.
  • January 20 – Third test match won by Australia at Adelaide.
  • February 10 – W J Overell’s drapery premises in Valley destroyed by fire – one man burnt to death.
  • March 3 – Fourth test match won by England at Sydney.
  • March 13 – AUSN Co’s, steamer Aramac wrecked off Breaksea Spit, but no lives lost.
  • March 26 – Lady Musgrave wrecked on Richmond River Bar – all hands saved.
  • April 22 – Deakin (Federal) Government defeated.
  • May 4 – Seven new members appointed to Legislative Council by the Morgan (Q) Government.
  • May 7 – Australasian Eight-oar Rowing Championship, on Brisbane River, won by Victoria, Bourke, of Tasmania, winning the sculling contest.
  • June 22 – Morgan (Q) Ministry resigned.
  • July 5 – Sir A Rutledge fails to form a Ministry.
  • July 23 – Great Britain defeats Australia at football at Brisbane.
  • August 9 – A S Roe selected as first Queensland Rhodes’ scholar.
  • August 16 – Watson’s Federal Ministry (Labour) resigned.
  • August 26 – 26,000 bags of wheat exported from Queensland to Great Britain.
  • August 27 – State general election results in big majority for the Morgan and Labour party.
  • September 30 – Sir H Chermside resigns Governorship of Queensland.
  • October 2 – New Roman Catholic Cathedral at Ipswich consecrated and opened by Cardinal Moran.
  • December 6 – Great improvement in wool returns reported from the West of Queensland.
  • December 21 – New Anglican Bishop (Dr Donaldson) enthroned in Brisbane.