A directory of persons living in Western Australia in 1887. This dataset includes the individual or company name, location and in many cases the individual’s occupation or the company function.
Areas include: Albany, Albany Road, Australind and Coast Road to Boundary of District, Beverley, Blackwood (including Bridgetown and Warren), Brunswick Collie Harvey and Perth Road, Bunbury, Busselton Etc, Canning, Dandaragan, Dardanup and Upper Ferguson, Dongarra, Eucla etc, Freemantle, Gascoyne Sharks Bay Etc, Geraldton, Gin Gin, Greenough, Guildford, Jarrahdale, Minninup (Vasse Road) Capel Etc, Murchison & Gascoyne Murchison Etc, Murray District, Newcastle, North West, Northam, Northampton, Onslow (Ashburton), Perth, Preston Upper Capel Towards Blackwood Etc, Swan, Victoria Plains, Wanneroo, York.
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