NSW Directory 1938, people & businesses – A to K

50,200+ records

This directory records the people living in New South Wales (Sydney & regions) taken from the Sydney Telephone directory for 1938. You can search for last names and business names. The history includes last name, first name, or business name, their occupation (if known) or type of business and their location.

Apart from the last name, a lot of the data is abbreviated, ie: “Alfd” instead of “Alfred”, “fmr” instead of “farmer” etc. While an attempt has been made to expand the abbreviations for data such as location and occupation, the name data has not been changed. The page number field relates to the page number in the directory where you can view the source info. Images are available on Trove.


Enter a last name and then hit the enter key. Click on the records to view further information and details of the source record.